Everything went black

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He felt him grab my hand and I smiled. I pressed up against him and kissed his cheek.

He turned around and started kissing my cheek too. He started to kiss down my neck and once I noticed what he was doing I screamed.

He stopped and I stood up. "Martinus!" I whined, feeling my neck. "Please don't tell me you gave me a hickey!" I yelled.

He smirked and I groaned. He bursted out laughing and I rolled my eyes. I walked into his bathroom and I saw one hickey on my neck.

"Martinus!" I whined again. I heard him laugh again and then he walked into the bathroom.

"You can cover it up with makeup." He said while looking at it. "It doesn't just cover up that easily!" I said.

"You can give me one if that makes you feel better." He said. I looked at him and smirked. I kissed his neck and gave him one.

I looked into the mirror so he could see it. "My very own token." He said. I smiled and walked out to his bedroom.

I flopped down on his bed while he flopped down on it too. We both turned  towards each other and kissed each other.

I laid on top of him while we were kissing. I pinned his down with his arms and hands relaxed. He broke free out of my grasp and put his hands on my hips.

We heard to door open and stopped what we were doing to look in that direction. Grayson stood there looking grossed out.

I looked at Martinus and his shirt was half off, just revealing his abs and my jean jacket was off and laying on the floor.

I got off of Martinus and walked over to the door to tell Grayson to politely get out. I walked over and he flung the door open.

He pushed me to the wall and stormed over to Martinus. I slammed my head against something metal and everything went black.

{Martinus's POV}

Grayson stormed in front of me blocking me view of Callista. He looked at me with fire in his eyes, like honestly what is his problem?!

He didn't say anything just stood in front of me. I heard a thump on the floor and my eyes widened.

I pushed Grayson away from me and saw Callista laying lifelessly on the floor.

He hair covering part of her face and the rest laying around her head. I ran over to her side and shook her.

"Callista wake up! Wake up Callista!" I said while violently shaking her. She didn't wake up, I started to panic.

I whipped around at Grayson. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" I yelled. I pulled out my phone and called Samantha then the ambulance.

I picked her up and rushed her outside with Samantha. The ambulance was waiting at the front door with a stretcher.

I placed her on the stretcher and they wheeled her into the ambulance. I saw a nurse put her stethoscope on her chest and say something but can't read lips very well.

They all climbed in along with my girlfriend and drove away, I stood there with tears in my eyes.

"What did the nurse say?" I asked when Samantha placed a hand on my shoulder.

"She's gonna need surgery." She said while looking at me with sorry in her eyes.

I let a tear fall from my eye but quickly wiped my eyes. "Why?" I asked. She shook her head. "I don't know." She replied.

I walked away from her and her hand slowly slid off my shoulder as I walked away.

{Callista's POV}

Everything went black for a second then white, then black again. The black slowly faded into the color of Martinus's bedroom walls.

I looked around and noticed that I was in Martinus's room. I felt a searing pain in my head for only about a split second then it stopped.

Grayson stood there blocking Martinus. "Hey leave him alone!" I yelled but nothing happened. 

I ran up to Grayson and tried to pull him back but he wouldn't budge. I tried again but nothing happened. I put my hands around his throat and squeezed as tight as I could but nothing happened!

I turned around to face him and punched him. He just kept standing there and his head didn't move when I punched him.

I did it again slowly and noticed my hand went through his face. "What?" I murmered while looking at my hand. Then I looked over to that thing that I felt my head hit, a door hinge.

I looked down and, there I was. Laying there peacefully. I walked over slowly and scared.

I touched myself but when I did my hand didn't go through. Instead I had a flashback.

I looked at it like someone else's point of view. I hit my head, I coughed a tiny but violent cough. Then I fell to the ground.

I came back and saw whatever I coughed up. It was a few specks of blood. I gasped as I felt the blood in my warm, yet cold hands.

Then I realized Martinus was looking at me. "Callista!" He yelled while running over to me. "Martinus!" I yelled. I ran over to him and hugged him, but I went through him.

I looked back at him and then my ears started to ring and it went black again. It stayed like that for awhile and then something shook me awake.

I was in a truck, an ambulance and there I was. Laying down on a stretcher with some nurses and paramedics by my side hooking up more machines to me.

I touched my face. It was cold, and my hands were warm. I felt the soothing feeling of when you come inside from the cold air and the warm heat fights the cold off.

For a moment I had a moment of comfort. I took my hand off of myself and walked over to the doctors who were looking at some charts and other medical stuff.

They were whispering about some stuff about my brain and skull and surgery which I wasn't scared of.

Then I caught one thing that one doctor said that surprised me.

"She's in a coma." 

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