Chapter 2

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(This is Queen Rosalind)

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

(This is Queen Rosalind)

"ALICE! How many times am I going to have to tell you that being late is no proper behavior for a princess! You must arrive early to be punctual!" Queen Rosalind scolded.

"Sorry mother, I woke up late," Princess Alice excused herself as she sat down at the long mahogany table for breakfast.

"That is NO excuse and it's happened for the third time this week! You mustn't act like this," the Queen sighed upon seeing her daughter's sad face. "Cheer up my child! Growing up isn't always easy, but it is a necessary process, especially if you are to take my place."

"You're mother is right; you must start preparing yourself now. In a few months, it will be time for you to marry and take the throne," Kind Bard reminded Princess Alice as he spread butter on his bread. Alice slumped in her seat. Oh how she hated when her parents talked about her coming of age! She knew it was inevitable, but she wished they wouldn't make such a big deal about it. Princess Alice wanted to her life and marry when she felt she was ready, not when her parents thought they knew what was best for her.

"Why do you and father think I should marry when I am 18? Why can't I wait until I feel ready?"

"Running a kingdom is no easy task and it should not be a burden my daughter should have to bear alone," King Bard answered wisely.

"But I will not be alone! I will have Lydia and my teachers and lady-in-waiting to help," Alice argued. The Queen stared coldly at her daughter and replied,

"You mustn't let those under class peasants council you in your decisions or else they will take this family's wealth! You, young lady, have no idea what our ancestors have done or how much we have had to fight to get to where we are today. Do you remember Aunt Heddy from your history books? She was the one that-" Princess Alice stopped listening, crossing her arms, and burying her face in the table. "Alice! Falling asleep at the table is not how a princess or a young lady should act! Excuse yourself and take a nap if you are feeling that tired," Queen Rosalind scolded. Alice looked up and shot her mother a glare.

"I don't want another history lesson! I want you to listen to me for once. Don't you care about me or how I feel? And why do you treat your servants so harshly? They are good people!" Princess Alice defended herself and those who couldn't be there. King Bard looked at his daughter sadly before going back to eating his meal.

"Why, you little princess listen to me!" the Queen started, pointing her spoon at Alice, "A princess should not raise her voice at a meal. She must remain calm and collected." Princess Alice huffed as she stood up and walked out the door, her mother yelling about her bad manners the whole time.

Alice let the tears travel down her face as she broke into a run towards the royal garden. She passed the courtyard on her way, alarming several knights as she went. Alice didn't understand how her mother could be so cold. She cried her heart out as she sat in the lush, green grass as she buried her face in the side of the grand fountain that was in the middle of the colorful garden. After awhile, she felt a light tap on her shoulder. The young princess looked up to see her worried father. She threw her arms around him and cried even harder.

"There there Alice," her father said patting her head.

"Why can't she not see that I only want a little of freedom?" Alice sobbed, "She is so focused and getting me married she doesn't even take a moment to actually care about me."

"My dear sweet child, your mother is not always the easiest woman to understand, but she does care about you very much. We both know she is afraid to show to much emotion because she feels she must remain strong," King Bard explained.

"She is our Queen, but why can't she be my mother for just one day? That is all I am asking," Princess Alice sniffled. Her father wiper her tears away and hugged her.

"I will talk to her for you and see if she will soften up, alright?" King Bard offered. Alice looked up and gave the smallest of nods and sighed.

"I wish I had more time before coming Queen," she muttered.

"When I was old enough to become King, I did not look forward to the life that awaited me either, but I did what I could to please my parents without getting into too much trouble." Princess Alice laughed and wiped the last of her tears away.

"I will try to be better, but only for you father."


"Lydia, I hate it! I just hate it! Why do they have to make such a big deal out of it anyway? I don't want to marry right away," Princess Alice complained to her maid, knowing that Lydia would never pressure her into doing anything.

"I think it would be wonderful to marry when you become of age, but perhaps wait until the spring to marry?" Maid Lydia suggested as she combed Alice's hair before bed.

"I want to live a little before my freedoms are taken away forever," Princess Alice said. Maid Lydia nodded her understanding. "What if none of the men my parents think are fit for me to marry are the right one?"

"Nonsense! Only a handful come to your standards and only a select few are even worth it. You should not worry Alice, your wonderful in every way."

"Thank you Lydia. Perhaps you're right, maybe if I settle for a rich landlord it wouldn't be all that bad." Princess Alice joked.

The Princess Knight by: Tauriel Rogersحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن