Chapter 7

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Princess Alice knocked 3 times on the intricate oak door of the mansion.  "My Princess! Please come in," the rich dark haired man beckoned when he answered the door.

"I'm sorry, we had nowhere else to go. Lydia said if I ever needed anything to come here," Alice explained.

"Of course! Can I get you anything?"

"Water, thank you," Alice answered. The Captain grimaced as he sat down in a big, cushy, light blue chair, grimacing as he grabbed his injured arm.

"You're hurt!" Alice exclaimed, immediately ripping her long, embroidered sleeve off and wrapping it over the wound.

"Thank you, but you didn't need to ruin your dress," the Captain said.

"It's a small price to pay to help the man who saved my life," Princess Alice replied before tying the makeshift bandage and then searched for a place to wash her hands. "I didn't even know how to fight and the Captain of the Royal Guard had to suffer because of it. What kind of leader am I supposed to be if I can't even protect myself, much less my people?" she realized.

"I have to do something to make this right," Alice told the Captain as she checked on his wound an hour later.

"What are you implying?" the Captain asked.

"I want to know how to fight," she told him.

"Princess Alice, you ARE the princess; you can do anything you want with the King and Queen's permission," the Captain reminded her. Alice thought about what the Captain had said as she fell asleep. Lydia came for the Princess in the morning.

"Thank you father for taking of them," Lydia hugged her father for the first time in years. "Princess Alice has been nothing but good and kind to me, especially when I got sick not too long ago," she added.

"My door is always open to you and your friends. I've missed you Lydia," her father said. Princess Alice saw how much the two have missed each other and felt bad that her maid couldn't visit her family more often.

"I want to do something about how I acted last night," Princess Alice told her Maid as they rode back to the palace. "I can't be this prissy little Princess who needs a knight in shining armor to come rescue her anymore." At this, the Captain snorted with laughter until Alice and Lydia looked back at him, which made him fall silent.

"Then what shall you do?" Maid Lydia asked.

"I want to become a knight," Princess Alice announced to Maid Lydia, the Queen and King during breakfast. The Queen choked on her juice.

"You want to do WHAT?!" King Bard bellowed.

"The Princess, my daughter? That's absurd," Queen Rosalind scoffed, wiping her now stained sparkly red dress with her napkin.

"Why not? If I'm going to lead this kingdom with the neighboring one always attacking, I should be able to defend myself. It would make me look stronger to my people," Princess Alice argued as she took a big bite of one of her red apples from the market.

"I won't allow it! It's too dangerous," the King said, cutting into his ham.

"A Princess does not need to know how to fight, she only needs to know how to lead, handle politics, and deal with finances, not wielding weapons of destruction," the Queen supported the King's position.

"But I-" King Bard raised his hand to silence the Princess.

"The answer is no and that decision is final." Princess Alice pouted, but bowed her head in agreement.

"Stupid King and Queen, they think I can't do it," Alice muttered to herself as she stomped up to her room after breakfast. Princess Alice peered over the castle grounds from her stone balcony. "How could they do this? Don't they know how important this is to me?" she thought as she crossed her arms and rested her head on her hand. The sound of clattering swords and raised voices shook her from her thoughts. Alice looked to her right and saw the Royal Guard training in the courtyard. She saw the Captain walking around, barking orders; Alice smiled determinedly.

"Uh oh, I know that look," Maid Lydia said as she placed the clean blankets at the end of Alice's bed.

"Do I have anything plain and simple to wear that I can easily move around in?" Alice asked.

"Yes Princess, I believe you do. May I ask why?" Lydia asked as she rummaged through Alice's wardrobe and found a short sleeved pink dress with a flowy brown skirt.

"I have some work to do," Alice answered as she stripped down to her under garments. She ventured to the court yard and observed from behind the pillars, not wanting to be seen.

"On your feet Sam, the enemy will show you no mercy once you've fallen. Jacob, keep that shield up or else he'll slice your head off. Larry, use more strength in that push to throw the enemy off," the Captain barked as he paced around the guards. Alice jumped behind the pillar when she thought the Captain had seen her. She slowly peeked to find his back was to her. "Thomas, let me show you how to hold your sword," the Captain helped a boy who looked to be 14. Alice wanted to see better so she stuck her whole body out, but was still careful to not be seen.

"Derek, someone is watching from the shadows," Thomas whispered.

"Why don't you draw them out," the Captain suggested. Alice watched as the young boy walked away and the Captain moved on. All of a sudden, she yelped as she was pushed from her spot and into the center of the courtyard. "It seems we have a looky loo," the Captain announced with a smirk that quickly vanished when he saw it was a woman. The Captain rushed to help her up and everyone gasped when they saw it was her. "My Princess! Please, forgive me," the Captain bowed and the others followed. Alice coughed as the last of the dirt cleared.

"Rise, it was my own fault to hide my interest in what is going on here," Alice answered.

"We are training your highness," Larry answered.

"Yes, you most certainly are," Alice said peering at the men before her and smiling at the young boy who looked down bashfully. "I have come to train to become like all of you, a knight of the Royal Guard."

"But Princess, that is no easy task! It's hard, taxing, and tiresome, not to mention dangerous," Jacob spoke up.

"That's exactly what the King said, however, I don't care. The next time we're attacked, I want to be able to defend myself. Do you have a problem with that Captain?" Alice asked with authority.

"No your highness, but I do not wish to go against the King and Queen's authority."

"Then let's not get caught. They're both always busy right after lunch until mid afternoon anyway and all I'm supposed to be doing is sewing and having tea," Alice admitted.

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The Princess Knight by: Tauriel RogersWhere stories live. Discover now