Chapter 3

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Princess Alice woke at dawn, dressing herself in a plain, cream colored dress, worn riding boots, and her dark brown cloak. Her royal blue cloak was warmer, but because it was made from rich fabrics, it would instantly give her identity away. She made her way to the royal barn to grab her horse before heading to the weekly market.

"What does your family need Margaret?" Princess Alice asked the fruit stand lady as she bought a bushel of red apples.

"Alice, it's horrible! The children all need new shoes again, they won't stop growing!"

"No need to worry, I can help. What sizes do you need?" Alice asked as she took out a small parchment and pencil and wrote down the needed sizes.

"Thank you Princess! I don't know what I'd ever do without you!" Margaret hugged Alice. "Whatever you do, don't have 8 children! They're too much work," she said as she pulled away.

"I wouldn't dream of having so many! In fact, I haven't even begun to think of having children," Alice realized as she packed the apples gently in her bag.

"You'll be coming of age soon and it's part of the deal honey," Margaret reminded Alice.

"I want to make sure it's with the right man, one who will love me for who I am and not because I have to keep the peace or for my wealth. I do not want a rich, arrogant prince who thinks he boss me around all the time and thinks I'm only good for having children with" Princess Alice explained.

Margaret put a hand on Alice's shoulder, "My dear sweet girl, you will find him one day." Alice smiled. "You have high expectations and that is absolutely wonderful, but don't jump into something too soon. Who cares if the Queen wants you to marry right away! Do what is best for you," Margaret advised.

"Thanks Mar, I can always count on you for advice," Alice said and then left to see what kind of jewelry she could find.

"Alice! Where have you been? Nobody knew where you had gone," Queen Rosalind asked worriedly as Alice hung her cloak. The Queen gasped when she saw the Princess's dress. "You went to the market didn't you?" she spat disgusted.

"I wanted a snack," Alice shrugged as she began to unpack her bag on her desk.

"You know how dangerous it is for you to go beyond the castle walls! We could be ambushed at any time and you think it is ok to sneak out? This has got to stop! You are a Princess and you should behave as such!" Queen Rosalind lectured, putting her hands on her hips. The neighboring kingdom was very wealthy, but their leaders and prince were power hungry and would stop at nothing to get what they wanted, much like the princess's Aunt Heddy back in the day.

"Mother I know. I only want to get to know my people," Alice answered. The Queen bit her lip to calm herself down.

"The people will know you once you are Queen now off to the wash room! We mustn't be late for another meal now." Alice tried to protest, but thought better of it. Alice dressed herself and took a deep breath before heading down to the Dining Hall for breakfast. She knew her mother was going to scold her and what was worse, today would be full of Queen lessons leaving her no time to escape from the harsh words of the Queen.

"What is the fourth most important duty of a Queen?" There was no answer. "Alice, are you even listening to me?" Queen Rosalind asked while she was helping Princess Alice with her studies in the royal library. The Queen snapped her fingers in front of Alice's face, to which Alice jumped startled.

"What?" Alice asked annoyed.

"You have been giving me that blank stare for hours. What is with you? I know you do not really care to study with me, but usually you at least act like you are interested," the Queen pointed out. Alice closed her "To Be A Queen" book that was centuries old and looked at her mother.

"I want to be more," Alice answered. Queen Rosalind smiled with glee and clasped her hands together.

"Why of course you do! My daughter will be Queen soon enough and wishes to advance her studies. This is most exciting news!" she clapped. "MAID!"

"Mother, she's right behind you," Princess Alice said with thick annoyance. The Queen turned in her fancy red seat, suddenly embarrassed.

"Well look at that," she muttered. "Return these to their rightful places," the Queen instructed. Maid Lydia rolled her eyes behind the Queens' back before following her orders.

"She has a name mother, you should try using it sometime," Alice defended her. The Queen shrugged as she raised her eyebrows, trying to look innocent. "Honestly mother, a Queen should respect her servants because you never know when you'll need them most."

"Wise words from a young, beautiful girl," a man's voice said as he stepped out from behind a bookcase. Alice quickly stood and got behind her chair.

"Who are you and how did you get in here?"

"It is alright, this is Prince Herald from the Anar kingdom," the Queen answered. Alice stood a little straighter and asked authoritatively, but with respect,

"Could I have a quick moment alone with my mother please?"

"Of course princess," Prince Herald bowed and went to inspect a tall bookshelf along the wall.

"Why is he here?" Alice whispered to her mother.

"It is high time you take things seriously and start to look at the worthy men you could marry. Prince Herald is a very kind, generous young man who isn't interested in stealing wealth, rather sharing it. An excellent trait might I add," Queen Rosalind answered.

(Below is a picture of Prince Herald of the Anar kingdom)

(Below is a picture of Prince Herald of the Anar kingdom)

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The Princess Knight by: Tauriel RogersWhere stories live. Discover now