Chapter 46

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The princess and the Captain rode back to the castle as fast as they could with the rain and thunder following close behind. Derek jumped off of his horse and quickly came over to help Alice down from Jade. She hugged him with shaky arms and he ran his hand through her hair to comfort her. "I'll take care of the horses," he offered.

"Thank you," Alice said. "Meet me in my room when you're done."

"But I'm soaking wet," Derek pointed to his clothes.

"So?" Alice shrugged with a seductive smile on her face as took off her muddy boots. "Don't take too long, I'll be waiting," she said, smiling to herself when she saw Derek's dark red blush as she walked away.

"I see you got stuck in the storm," Queen Rosalind commented when Alice came walking through the castle halls, leaving a trail of rain water behind her.

"We tried to beat it home, but I guess it got the best of us," she shrugged, "Sorry if I left a trail, I didn't mean to."

"At least you did not leave a trail of mud." Alice glanced at her boots.

"I tried not to."

"You are learning," her mother smiled warmly. "Your father wanted me to tell you that he has released everyone from their meetings today."

"I um, I had a run in with a bandit in the forest on my way back. He didn't hurt me, only startled the horse, but he said that they well attack tomorrow at mid morning," Alice said hurriedly. Queen Rosalind was suddenly very alarmed.

"I will tell your father right away," her mother turned on her heel and ran. Alice tiredly climbed the steps up to her room and put her muddy boots in the bath tub. She turned the water on and cleaned them to the best of her ability, leaving them on one of her bath mats to dry. She heard her door open and turned around, smiling widely when she saw it was Derek. She rushed to him and grabbed a handful of his shirt, pulling him in for a kiss. Derek was surprised by her sudden action, but returned the kiss immediately.

"I'm still soaking wet," he reminded her.

"And nobody has meetings for the rest of the day," Alice said with a smile. Derek returned the smiled and kissed her, suddenly picking her up like a damsel. The princess gasped and clung to him as he carried her to the bathroom and set her down on a chair. He grabbed a towel and attempted to dry his hair, but Alice gently took it from him. "It's no use; let it dry on it's own," Alice told him and put her hands on his chest.

"What about my clothes?" Derek asked. Princess Alice looked him over and then she looked up to his face and his eyes as she slid her hands to the hem of his shirt. Derek glanced down at her hands and then shared a look of understanding as he grinned. Alice returned the grin and took his shirt off, throwing it on the floor. She put her hands on the top of his chest and took in the sight before her. Derek put his hands over hers and slowly slid her hands down his body. Alice looker back up at him and kissed him feverishly. Derek pushed her hair to the side he untied the top of her dress while he kissed her. The Captain put his arms around the princess, pressing her against him, and then picked her up and carried her to the bed. The rain came down harder and the thunder boomed loudly, but the lovers only intensified their kiss. Hours later, Derek brushed a stray strand of hair behind Alice's ear. He watched her as she slept, thinking of how peaceful she looked in his arms, draped across his bare chest. He had tried to take a nap to, but he was still in a trance from enjoying himself with the princess like he just did. There was a quiet knock at the door, but Derek knew that this time, there was no he could hide or hide the what him and Alice had been doing all afternoon. Derek's gulped and carefully sat up a little against the pillows when he saw King Bard come in. The King was startled at first, but smiled when he saw the smile on his own daughters face as she laid there sleeping against Derek's strong body. "My King, I can explain," the Captain started. King Bard raised his hand to stop him.

"I knew that she loved you the second she called you by your first name and thought nothing of it as if she had always called you that. Alice may not have known it at first, but I could tell from the way that she looked at you after you saved her from that attack that she was going to fall in love with you. I also knew this day would come eventually, however, I did not think it would be on the eve of a battle," he explained.

"She needed comfort, safety, reassurance, and something to make her happy. I wasn't going to keep that feeling from her," Derek answered wisely. King Bard nodded his agreement. "But I know it is inappropriate for an unmarried woman to do that and I am deeply sorry," Derek apologized, not able to meet the King's gaze. King Bard put a hand on his shoulder.

"You are a worthy man and I am proud that of all the princes and dukes she has met in her lifetime, she chose you instead. You have shown me all of the qualities that make a man a great man and that is what my daughter has always wanted," the King said.

"You are not mad?"

"Good heavens no! Anyone that can get through to her in that way after how that menacing prince has treated her is someone worthy of being by my side," King Bard patted the Captain's shoulder. "Keep her company and I will have supper brought up to you two. I must warn you Captain Riley, if something happens to you tomorrow in battle, it is going to be the death of all of us," he gestured to Alice. Derek forced himself to nod.

"I understand my King," he said. The rain let up shortly after that, causing the princess to wake up.

"Did it stop raining?" she asked, moving her hand to his chest.

"Yes," Derek answered, putting his arm around her.

"Good. Do I smell food?" the princess opened her eyes and sat up, using the blanket to cover herself.

"It's still hot if your hungry." Alice ate her soup and grabbed her robe. She opened her balcony door and stood by the stone railing, taking in the sight of her castle before the chaos would erupt. Derek came up and hugged her from behind. "I love you," he said in her ear. Alice blushed at the feeling of his warm breath against her skin again.

"I love you to," she said and tilted her head back to give him a small kiss. Princess Alice looked out at the forest and her smile fell as she clutched her stone railing and squinted. There was a dark shadow along the tree line. She clutched Derek's arm and pointed. "Look, right below the tree line," she pointed. Derek followed her gaze and they both gasped when two men stepped out into the small bushes. "They're already here."


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The Princess Knight by: Tauriel RogersWhere stories live. Discover now