Chapter 27

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Princess Alice slowly walked back up her stone stairs to her room. "I have a warm bath prepared for you," Maid Lydia tried with a genuine smile. Alice took her shoes off and gave a faint smile.

"I am releasing you for the night and tomorrow. I know you will worry about me, but I need some time to myself to process what I will be forced to do," the princess said quietly. Maid Lydia bowed her head, setting a clean towel out for the princess, leaving her by herself. Alice unbuttoned the back of her orange dress and placed it in her wash bin. The princess smiled as the steamy water hit her skin as she stepped into her tub. She let the warm water relax her, closing her eyes. She didn't realize she had dozed off until she jumped at the sound of a knock at her door. "Just a minute!" she called as she quickly got out of the tub and threw her silk robe around her. The princess opened her door just a peek.

"I am sorry to bother you at such a late hour."

"It is quite alright Derek," Alice said shyly.

"Your mother rushed you off so quickly earlier and I wanted to make sure you were alright," he explained himself. Alice opened her door a little further when she noticed he was out of his armor and was there alone. Derek gawked to himself, but quickly recomposed himself. "Perhaps this is a bad time?" he said nervously. Alice readjusted her robe so it fit her a tighter.

"No, no! Please, it's ok. I'm happy you are checking up on me truly." Derek couldn't stop staring at her and Alice was beginning to worry that something was wrong. "Captain?" she asked, instantly snapping him out of his trance.

"What are we going to do about your uh, um...current situation?" he asked. Alice's shoulders slumped as she looked down sadly.

"I don't know Derek, I can't risk training in the afternoon anymore and my schedule is going to become even busier with what is about to happen," she said truthfully. Derek thought about it for a moment, and then he beamed when he formed an idea.

"Train with me in the mornings!" he said, taking the princess's hands in his own. "We can train after breakfast and you could be done before tea time!"

"Yes!" Alice agreed as her eyes brightened with hope, "And she won't even see us since she comes from the opposite side of the castle!" she realized, squeezing the Captain's hands.

"Great!" Derek exclaimed with a smile on his face. The two shared a relieved laugh and Alice got on her tip toes to hug him, Derek instantly hugging her back.

"This just might work," she thought out loud.

"It will, it has to," he agreed as he took in the flowery scent of her hair.

"I will meet you with you at our new time starting the day after tomorrow," Alice gave her word as she pulled away. Derek nodded happily as he turned around, with a slight bounce in his step. The princess watched him leave, but an idea came to her head. "Derek," the princess whisper yelled as she stuck her head out of her doorway. The Captain turned around and came back.

"Yes?" he asked as he stopped in front of her.

"Do you you think you could have the blacksmith make me a sword?" Alice blurted out. Derek was taken aback by her request.

"I can have him do that," he said. Alice grinned. "Would you like some custom made armor with that as well?"

"Yes! Yes! Please!" she agreed delighted clasping her hands together, "If that's ok?" she quickly added.

"Of course Alice, anything for you," Derek reassured her. Alice dreamily smiled as she peered into his eyes, her heart melting at his words. Derek looked into her eyes with the same dazed look on his face. Alice realized just how close he was standing to her and started to breakout into a nervous sweat, especially when his eyes started to linger to her lips, then down to her robe, and back up again. Alice didn't want anything to happen, not when she was covered with only her robe, so she slowly put her hands behind her back and tried to hide her blush when Derek's face inched closer to her hers. She closed her eyes as he put a hand on her wrist and drew her closer to him, waiting for what was next. She let out the breath she had been holding when she felt Derek's lips against her cheek and slowly opened her eyes. "Goodnight princess," he whispered in her ear, sending chills of joy down her neck and spine.

"Goodnight Captain," she whispered back. Derek glanced at her lips one more time before he let his hand drop from her wrist and then descended down the stairs. Alice stood there dumbfounded and gently brushed her cheek where Derek had kissed her.

Princess Alice woke with a knot in her stomach. She was grateful that the Prince did not have to share breakfast with her and her family, but cringed at the thought that she would have to face her father. She had no idea what to say, but she knew that she would speak her mind. Alice did not hesitate once she made it to bottom of her stairs and started to walk with purpose. Anger boiled inside of her as she made her way the Grand Dining Hall. The princess threw the doors open, startling Captain Riley and her parents at her dramatic entrance. "WHY?" she shouted. "Why him father?" she asked. King Bard looked at her confused.

"You understand very well why we have to do this," he answered carefully.

"But why him father?" Alice asked disheartened.

"We had no other choice! Especially after Prince Nikolas was murdered," the King told her. Alice remembered that day all too well and closed her eyes, wishing that memory away.

"You gave me your word!" she cried, "You told me you would find the man that was worthy of what I wanted," she reminded him quietly.

"Alice, We cannot keep up with the attacks from the Alda's. Our finances will simply not allow for too much of that kind of thing to happen."

"War is  expensive," Queen Rosalind added. Alice looked between her parents as they went back to their meal as if her feelings didn't matter. In that moment, the princesses heart was stricken with sorrow, anger, pain, betrayal. "SO YOU CHOSE A MONSTER FOR MY HAND?!" she screamed, tears running down her face as she slammed the long table, causing the King and Queen to jump out of their seats, Queen Rosalind spilling her drink down the front of herself.

"Alice please," her father pleaded, but Alice only shook her head as she turned on her heal and ran. She ran to the garden, plopping herself down next to the fountain, leaning on the edge of it as she cried into her folded arms.

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।
The Princess Knight by: Tauriel Rogersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें