Chapter 33

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Princess Alice walked over to the desserts at the buffet and picked up a fudge brownie, her favorite, and smiled as the delicious taste melted into her mouth. She was too busy enjoying the food to see what her mother was up to. "Captain Riley! Fancy seeing you here," Queen Rosalind greeted him fakely. He stopped mid lift of his drink to send a glance over his shoulder to her before taking a sip. "And Maid Lydia and a young boy who I do not believe I have met," she said slyly.

"Your majesty," Thomas quickly bowed with Lydia following his lead to curtsy.

"This is Thomas of the Royal Guard, the youngest member of the group," Lydia introduced.

"Quite an accomplishment young man," the Queen smiled tightly.

"It is an honor to be among men of such nobleness," Thomas bragged.

"Can I talk to you please Captain?" the Queen asked. He nodded as he swallowed his drink and the couple took their que to leave.

"It has been too long my Queen," he greeted her with a small bow.

"Yes, yes it has. Do you remember what I told you the last time we met?" she asked moodily.

"Crystal clear and I am fully aware of the consequences," the Captain told her.

"Good, then I do not need to worry about you regardless of my daughter's undeniable feeling for you?"

"Alice has, feelings for me?" Derek asked slowly.

"Are you blind Captain? Why else would she insist on having you around and defending you so much of the time?" Queen Rosalind pointed out.

"Alice has feelings for me," Derek repeated out loud to himself nervously as he ran a hand through his hair.

"Yes, but that does not matter now since she is an engaged woman of course," the Queen chuckled, "The chaos that would follow if she continued to pursue you my goodness," she laughed to herself. "You do understand what I am saying?"


"Then since my daughter will not listen me and she obviously listens to you, you mustn't give her any ideas," Queen Rosalind said darkly.

"I think Alice gets enough ideas on her own," Derek said boldly as he watched her from where he was standing. He smiled amused at the fact that she was licking chocolate fudge from her fingers. The Queen gaped in shock and embarrassment.

"Remember what I said!" the Queen pointed a finger at him, "And if you will excuse me, I have a daughter to reprimand." Derek laughed hysterically once she was gone.

"What was all of that about?" Thomas asked, coming back when the coast was clear.

"The Queen was reminding me of where I stand and how much power she has."

"Alice!" Queen Rosalind hissed quietly as she got within ear shot of her daughter, "Use a napkin for goodness sake! That is why they are sitting here," she scolded as she grabbed one from the edge of the table and began wiping the princess's fingers.

"I didn't want to waste any of the flavor and you know how much I love chocolate fudge brownies," Alice protested.

"You should act more lady like and quit acting like a child!" her mother huffed as she turned on her heal, acted like nothing had happened, and walked away. The princess rolled her eyes.

"Quit acting like a child," she copied her mother annoyed with a small shake of her head.

"Enjoying the flavor I see." Alice rolled her eyes as she took another bite of her brownie. "You know, I do not think we have shared a dance yet."

The Princess Knight by: Tauriel RogersWhere stories live. Discover now