Chapter 51

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"Would you like a poofy, frilly dress or a plain and simple dress? Do you want beading, embroidery, or fabric designs? Should it be a longer dress or shorter dress? What kind of neck line would you like? What color do you want it to be? Gloves or no gloves? And what about your shoes?"

"I CAN'T FOCUS LYDIA!" Princess Alice burst out. Maid Lydia sunk into the table, hugging her notepad to her chest.

"I'm sorry my lady," she apologized. Alice turned back the way she was originally facing and slumped her head back into her hand as she leaned against her stone balcony railing.

"It's not you, it's me. My mind is elsewhere and nowhere near making an outline for my coronation dress. I don't even know why my mother suggested we try to work on this today," Alice gushed out.

"Perhaps we can try again after supper?" Lydia suggested.

"Perhaps, but I can't guarantee I'll be much better by then." Lydia looked at her closest friend sadly.

"I am sure Derek will heal quickly," she reassured her.

"I'm just so worried Lydia. So many things could go wrong through his healing process and I'm constantly worried that we'll be attacked sometime in between," the princess admitted. "I have no idea what to do in the mean time while my mind isn't here on my duties as princess."

"Then let us not worry about your duties as princess. Instead, let us be free of some stress," her Maid said, pulling her up and dragging her down the stairs.

"Where are we going?" Alice asked slightly excited.

"You need to release some of this negative energy so why not train?" Lydia suggested. A few hours later, Alice felt much better. She didn't have enough time to wash up before joining her family for lunch, so she washed her upper body and quickly changed.

"I want a blue dress," the princess finally broke the unsettling silence. Her parents shared a look of happiness at their daughter's sudden request. "And gloves, but not too long and I don't want a long dress. In fact, I don't want a train at all."

"What else?" the Queen wanted to know more. Alice thought for a moment.

"I'd like beading, but only on the top part of the dress."

"It is a start!" Queen Rosalind exclaimed excitedly. "When do you want to meet with a seamstress to start a sketch?"

"I don't know," the princess mumbled, picking at her food.

"I can not get a dress made for you in time if you do not cooperate!" her mother scolded.

"My mind is not on some stupid dress right now alright?" Alice shot back. Queen Rosalind huffed.

"Then when will  you be out of your own darn misery? You cannot be like this forever!"

"I will be fine once I know Derek is alright. I'm waiting for him to wake up so I can ask him how he's feeling," Alice explained. The door to the Grand Dining Hall was slowly opened.

"Right on queue," King Bard smiled gratefully.

"Alice! Alice! He's awake!" Ryan announced excitedly. Alice smiled and quickly jumped out of her seat, dashing to the door and bolted to the infirmary. She ran as fast as her legs could take her. She stopped right outside of Derek's room to catch her breath before going in to see him.

"Derek?" she asked quietly as she poked her head through the door.

"Alice," he said relieved. She leaned over him and looked him over before leaning in to kiss him. The princess kissed him slowly, passionately, trying to get all of her worried emotions out. Derek put a hand on her soft cheek and kissed her back. Derek pulled away and looked at Alice concerned.

The Princess Knight by: Tauriel RogersNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ