Chapter 20

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Maid Lydia was nowhere to be found when the Princess headed back to her room before supper and Ryan had not seen her either. Alice was worried and went through the back door to the courtyard. "Hue, have seen Lydia?" she asked.

"Who?" the older man asked.

"Lydia, my Maid. The girl with the dark hair," Alice described.

"Oh! That's Lydia. Yes, she left a little while ago with Thomas."

"Really?" the Princess asked interestedly. "Did they happen to say where they were going?"

"No, sorry Princess," Hue said.

"Hue, could you help Ryan with some of the newer horses? They're being restless and he can't seem to calm them down," Captain Riley asked a little winded.

"Are you alright Derek?" Alice asked.

"Yeah, just sparring later than usual," he answered casually as he began to take his armor off. Alice didn't hesitate to help him, knowing if she was late to supper she would be scolded in front of everyone. Derrek watched Alice as she quickly untied his armor and carefully set it in it's rightful place. She glanced at him, then back to the ties, but glanced back up at.

"What?" she asked blushing, since she caught him staring.

"You're really good at taking my armor off." Alice's blush turned deeper and a smile tugged at her lips.

"I am only helping," she reminded him, "If I waited for you to do it, we'd both be late and that would not end well for me and my mother." Derek chuckled.

"Your mother is a real piece of work," he said.

"Tell me about it," Alice agreed as she helped him out of his chain mail. "All she does is scold me and she is only happy when things go her way." Alice threw the chain mail in it's box and turned around to give the Captain his privacy while he changed shirts.

"Can you help me get my armor back on? I have to if I'm to join you tonight."

"Fine," the Princess huffed playfully.

"That's better," Captain Riley breathed as he pulled his gloves back on. Alice handed him his sword belt and he quickly strapped it on.

"Are you ready now?" Alice asked hurriedly.

"Alice wait," Derek gently grabbed her upper arm. She turned back to face him, taking a step back. Derek looked into her eyes, but couldn't do it. "Never mind, I don't want you to be late."

"Ok," the Princess said unsurely.

"Princess!" a little voice called before the two could make it out. They turned back around to see Ryan running up to them.

"Thomas wanted me to tell you Captain that he's taken a maiden out for the night and Maid Lydia told me to tell you Princess that she has gone on a night time horse ride with one of the knights of the guard. They both said they would be back, but didn't say when," Ryan said hurriedly. Derek and Alice looked at each other with smiles, knowing exactly what had happened.

"Thank you Ryan, now go rest from the day," the Princess released him.

"So they are on an 'outing' together?" Captain Riley quoted. Princess Alice giggled.

"It would appear that way wouldn't it? It's a good thing I asked you to come along." Derek opened the door for her and she nodded her thanks as she walked in. Derek saw Prince Rorick stand and quickly walked to Alice to pull her chair out for her.

"My lady," he offered. Alice awkwardly smiled and sat in her seat, knowing this might not have been the best of ideas.

"You!" Prince Rorick gasped pointing a finger at the Captain. King Bard looked at the Prince confused. "This man did not punish a peasant when he should have when the Princess and I were riding through the market," he accused.

The Princess Knight by: Tauriel RogersWhere stories live. Discover now