Chapter 14

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Alice was really enjoying life for the past few days; quiet breakfasts, How to Be Queen lessons, lunch was always with the guards in secret, knight training was going well, tea time was pleasant for once, and her favorite lessons by far was her dancing lessons. Her father had also started spending the mornings talking with his daughter more often.

"It brings me great joy to see you and your mother getting along for once," he beamed.

"It is most strange, but you won't hear any complaints from me!" Alice laughed. Her father chuckled.

"I see you are still training, no?" Alice's smile fell and a grim expression fell onto her face.

"How did you know?" she asked worried.

"I have noticed your speech is relaxed and casual, but only when your mother is not present."

"Are you mad?" the Princess asked.

"Good heavens no! I did not see what the issue in you taking fencing lessons was. I have thought much about what you have said in the past few months about knowing how to protect yourself and after careful consideration, you have swayed my mind. So please Alice, do not be afraid to continue your training and lessons and you have my word that I will not tell your mother," Kind Bard promised.

"Oh thank you father!" Princess Alice cried as she hugged him.

"I will put all my efforts into my training!" Her father smiled.

"If you would like, I will release you and continue your gardening for you so you can begin earlier today," the King offered. Alice grinned and squealed as she ran as fast as she could to her room.

"I get to train early today!" she announced to Maid Lydia.

"That is great news!" her Maid agreed.

"Would you like to accompany me?" the Princess offered. Maid Lydia thought about it.

"Would I be in trouble or in harms way?" Lydia asked.

"It would be of no trouble at all and if anyone says anything, just blame it on me," Alice winked.

"But I do not think it is safe for me to be out in the range of a sword," Lydia voiced her concern as she followed the Princess through the castle walls.

"There is a nice shady pillar that you could sit under that is a safe distance from them," Alice told her.

"Was this the one?" Lydia asked once they had entered the courtyard. The Princess nodded, then went to get a sword and shield for the day.

"I see you have started to bring friends along now to eh?" Alice chuckled.

"Yes Hue, she is my Maid and my most trusted companion. She's like a sister to me," she explained. Hue took a good look at her.

"She looks scared to death to be here." Alice followed his gaze as she strapped her sword belt around her.

"Lydia doesn't want to get in the way, but she is interested in what I have been learning and what is it with these things today? I can't seem to get them to cooperate!" Hue laughed as he slung his shield over his shoulder and went to spar with Thomas.

"Let me help you little lass," Larry said when he saw her troubles.

"Thank you."

"They get stubborn from time to time," he joked, "Your good to go."

Captain Riley was teaching one of the boys how to use his shield properly when he noticed the Princess sparring with Sam and Jacob. The two men were going easy on her, but she never went easy on anyone. He also noticed the young girl by the shady pillar. "That's the Princess's Maid, Lydia," Hue informed him as he wiped his mouth from the watering hole.

"I know, I met her two days ago, really nice girl," the Captain said. "Why is she here?" he asked. Hue shrugged.

"Beats me! As long as she is out of the way, I don't mind her presence. I must warn you though, if she's anything like the Princess, it is only a matter of time before she'll want to pick up a sword as well," Hue warned.

"Well you know what I always say, the more the merrier," Captain Riley replied. He like the last time, helped Alice by telling her what to fix while she was sparring her opponents.

"Here you go Thomas, more swords need to be sharpened," Jacob announced, setting a pile down in the box. Thomas sighed. All he wanted was to become a knight, but because he was all of 14, everyone expected him to do the training chores instead of learning. "Little lad, look over there," Jacob nudged the boy and pointed to the shady pillar. Thomas found the breath escape from his lungs because there stood a young girl who could not have much older than he was in the shade looking scared.

"W-who is she?" Thomas asked intrigued.

"Don't know, but I'm going to find out," Jacob smiled arrogantly. Thomas rolled his eyes and continued sharpening the blades, but he was easily distracted with the thought of Jacob talking to the pretty girl.

"Excuse me," Jacob called as he easily made his way through the fighting, "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

"I am the Princess's Maid and she asked me to accompany her to her lessons today," Maid Lydia answered.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing hiding out here in the shade? The barn isn't far, perhaps we could talk there?" Jacob slickly offered as he put his hand up on the pillar above Lydia's head and casually leaned on it, "Maybe I could make you comfortable there?" he whispered in her ear. Maid Lydia pushed him away angrily.

"I AM NOT INTERESTED IN SOME ARROGANT KNIGHT WHO THINKS HIS TRICKS WILL WORK ON ME!" she shouted, bubbling with anger. The whole courtyard stopped and stared. "I WILL not let a boy like you tempt me into something I wish not to do because all you want is a good time. There are plenty of other fair maidens out there willing to do that," Lydia added haughtily. Derek pushed his way through the crowd with Alice close behind.

"How dare you?! You should know better than to try to pounce at a girl whose so much younger than you, much less the Princess's hand maiden. I hereby release you from your duties for the week as punishment and when you come back, you better have changed your attitude," Captain Riley bellowed. Jacob looked around, embarrassed to see everyone watching him.

"Great, she's just like you," Jacob growled to Alice as he passed her, throwing his sword to the ground, stomping away. Alice glared back at him, with Lydia doing the same.

"I am truly sorry miss, that one is rotten in some ways and no matter how hard we try, he doesn't listen," Derek apologized.

"It is ok, I am used to the men treating me as such," Maid Lydia said. Alice threw and arm around her shoulders and lead her to the courtyard hallway.

"Maybe it is best for you to not come. I'm sorry for dragging you down here only for you to be treated that way," the Princess apologized.

"Perhaps you are right," Lydia agreed quietly. "I will be waiting for your return."

"Is she alright?" Thomas asked as Alice came back to the courtyard.

"Yes, she will be fine," Alice reassured him.


(Below is a picture of Jacob)

(Below is a picture of Jacob)

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The Princess Knight by: Tauriel RogersWhere stories live. Discover now