Chapter 19

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Princess Alice looked at her dresses lined up for the day disgusted. "Why today? Why couldn't it have been tomorrow or the day after or the day after than?" she whined to her Maid.

"I am truly sorry Alice, but I am not the one who arranges these kinds of things," Lydia apologized as she brushed out the Princess's wet hair.

"And since when was my mother alright with guests showing up unannounced? We both know how much she dislikes that," Alice complained.

"The Queen can be very moody and indecisive at times. Be glad you are not one of her Maids. I hear she fires them and sends them to the dirty work jobs if she feels they do not satisfy her needs," Maid Lydia explained.

"My mother is so horrid and rude. I do not understand why she thinks she can do that to people lower than her," Alice thought aloud sadly.

"Many of those Maids are my friends and could use the money," Lydia said.

"Maybe she will cool down when I am married," the Princess mumbled.

"If there is one thing that I know about you it is that you are not interested in marriage at the moment," her Maid commented.

"If only my parents knew." Maid Lydia tied the Princess's dress and flattened the loose strands of hair.

"All done," Lydia announced. Alice smiled as she looked herself over in her mirror.

"Actually, I kind of like this dress," the Princess admitted.

"Good luck to you today my lady."

"I am going to need it and thank you for getting me that dagger and for making sure it would fit somewhere hidden in my dress. How did you get the dagger in the first place?"

"Oh," Lydia blushed and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, "Thomas got it for me when I told him I needed a favor."

"You and him huh?" Princess Alice asked kindly. Maid Lydia blushed.

"We are technically of the same rank, so if that were to happen, I am sure a blessing from your family would be granted," Lydia explained.

"According to my recent lessons, you only need two out of the three of us Royals here at the castle to agree," Alice told her.

"What I want to know, is what is going on between you and the Captain," Lydia teased. Now it was Alice's turn to blush.

"My parents would never approve even if I wanted to," Alice admitted sadly.

"A real shame my lady. He treats everyone, except Prince Rorick of course, with such kindness and respect. It is almost as if he truly understands what it is like to be one of us," her Maid pointed out.

"You're right," Alice thought, wondering how she never noticed it before.

"You better get going before your mother can scold you for being late."

"Like I would want to miss a day long castle tour with Prince Menace," Alice said sarcastically. Maid Lydia laughed hysterically.

"Before I go, could you join me for dinner tonight? I don't want to be alone."

"Of course my lady, but I do not have the proper attire," Maid Lydia realized bashfully.

"You may borrow one of my simple dresses and can keep it if you want. I can have a seamstress make me a new one," Alice offered.

"You have my deepest gratitude Princess," Maid Lydia curtsied.

"There you are! Finally you decided to show up!" Queen Rosalind scolded.

The Princess Knight by: Tauriel RogersWhere stories live. Discover now