Chapter 48

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"YOU!" Princess Alice shouted, pointing her sword to his chin.

"Surprised to see me again?" Prince Rorick asked arrogantly, standing up.

"How dare you attack my kingdom!" she scolded.

"How dare you turn down our marriage!" he scolded back.

"It was never going to work out," Alice spat.

"Really? Because it seemed to me like everything would've worked out in my favor."

"Sure while you would've locked me in my room all day only to come out for meals and for your own nasty pleasure," Alice poked her sword into his neck, creating a small cut.

"That is no way to treat me!" Prince Rorick yelled as he expertly used his sword to push the princess's away without drawing more blood.

"Maybe if you acted more proper instead of some hot headed, arrogant prince who thinks he's a gift to mankind then maybe people would respect you more!" Alice yelled back. The prince cried out angrily as he slashed his sword at Alice, who was expecting this reaction and was ready to block his blow. The two engaged in a furious sword fight, with Alice leading him back out the door as they fought. They paid no attention to the small fights going on around them.

"ALICE!" Thomas yelled. King Bard looked up from his battle as he sliced another man down. Thomas began to run after her, but the King grabbed his arm and yanked him back.

"NO! That is her fight. Let her finish him off once and for all," King Bard advised. Thomas looked back concerned, but relaxed when he realized the princess was having no trouble holding her own. Because Alice was trying to keep the upper hand in this battle, she had to lead him elsewhere, still inside of the castle, and the two stopped trying to lead the other when they made it to the Banquet Hall. Using the same move Alice had, Rorick was able to get the princess' helmet off of her head. She kicked it away once it clattered to the floor so they wouldn't trip over it.

"You will  marry me," Prince Rorick said.

"NEVER!" Alice shouted, spinning around to block one of his blows. Somehow, she had managed to lose her shield when she was fighting on horseback, so she had to rely on her sword and combat skills.

"Why do you continue to resist a man like me? If you would only marry me like you were supposed to, I would have never attacked you!" the menacing prince questioned. The princess's sword and his clanged against each other and their faces came close as they each tried to over power the other with their own amount of pressure.

"Because," Alice said through gritted teeth, "You are not worthy of my love. You're a monster!" Prince Rorick cried out in anger and put all of his strength into his sword, causing Alice to stagger back unbalanced. She used this to her advantage and placed a kick to his stomach when he tried to charge at her. He dropped her sword and fell to the floor. The princess wasted no time in picking up his huge red sword and crossed her own sword over it right under his chin. He looked at her angrily, knowing he was defeated. "Now yield and I'll let you go," she said authoritatively. The prince laughed.

"Let me go? Am I supposed to feel enlightened?"

"That I'm being nice by letting you live? Yes, you should be grateful."

"I will not surrender to a princess who thinks she is better at fighting than I am," he challenged.

"I think we both know who the better fighter is here," Alice spat, glaring at his insults. He only sneered and kicked her legs out from under her. The princess let out a surprised cry as she unexpectedly clattered to floor, landing hard on her ankle, dropping both of the swords on her way down. She sat up and clutched her ankle, wincing in pain when she touched it. Alice gasped when she felt cold metal against her chin.

The Princess Knight by: Tauriel RogersDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora