Chapter 42

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"Alice!" Thomas greeted the princess with a warm hug, "What happened? Are you ok?"

"Yes, I'm perfectly fine after a nice bath and some rest. My mother threatened someone because of a choice they made and I realized what I did to make that happen, but I don't care. Derek and I rescued those who were in danger, but they're homeless now, at least until the Spring," she explained.

"That's terrible! Lydia says she's checked on him as often as she can, but she has been very busy with the wedding plans and all," Thomas said.

"Don't remind me," Alice said irritated. "Anyway, have you seen Hue around? I have something to tell him."

"I saw him a while ago washing some of the armor with the others," Thomas informed her.

"Thank you," she said. "Hey Hue," she called as she rounded the corner and abruptly stopped, gaping at the scene before. Hue, Larry, and Sam were all shirtless, washing up from the day. The princess quickly turned around, embarrassed. "I um, I have some news to tell you," she started awkwardly. The men all laughed at her, causing her to blush, embarrassed. She heard the water slosh around a few times and after a few moments, Hue was standing in front of her, drying his face with a towel. "Sorry about that."

"Oh, there's no need to apologize; you had no idea what we were doing," Hue waved it off. Alice swallowed and nodded, still trying to un-see what she saw. "What news do you have?"

"Maybe we should sit down?" Alice gestured to the bench not far off. "I found him," she started once they were seated.

"Found who?"

"Your son, I found John."

"Really?! Where is my little lad?" Hue asked excitedly.

"He's away on the sea right now, something salmon? But he should be back at the port any day now. You should really go visit him before it's too late though because he got a job with the one they call an 'island dream' that will be timely," the princess explained. Hue hugged her gratefully.

"You found him!" he said as tears streamed down his face. "I only hope he will be as happy as I am to finally see him after all these years."

"He'll be much more grown up than what you remember," Alice reminded him.

"Believe, I know, but he is my boy Alice. Someday, you will understand after you have kids of your own," Hue said.

"I must be going now, but I just wanted to let you know," she excused herself.

"Thank you princess, truly." Alice then walked all the way to the other side of the castle to the Infirmary. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door. When there was no answer, she slowly opened the door.

"Derek, are you in here?" she asked, poking her head inside.

"I'm here," he croaked, followed by a coughing fit. "It's sounds worse than it feels."

"How are you feeling?" she asked concerned, taking a seat next to his bedside.

"Tired, sore, I did get some small burns and the doctor said that I breathed in too much smoke, but that I'll be fine in a few days," Derek informed her. Alice out a hand to his forehead to check for a fever.

"You feel fine," she said.

"You shouldn't be worrying about me when you have a wedding to plan," he said moodily. The princess sighed and took his hand in hers.

"I don't care about the wedding, I only care about you getting better," Alice admitted, now gently running her fingers through his hair.

"Alice, you can't say that when the wedding is only four days away, you have a special day you should be celebrating, and why do you care so much about me anyway? I'm the Captain of the Royal Guard, not some prince or duke or whatever," Derek asked. Alice squeezed his hand a little and looked him in the eye.

"Because someone needs to be by my side when I call off the wedding tomorrow."

"WHAT?" Derek started coughing at his sudden outburst, "What are you talking about? You know you can't do that; you could die."

"There was once this princess who called off her own wedding after she became of age. It's very rare and extremely uncommon, but there's nothing that says I can't do it," Alice pointed out.

"You know what would happen if you did," Derek warned.

"I know," Alice said. Derek grumbled and put his hand on his forehead.

"Why do you have to be so stubborn?" Alice laughed. Derek peeked out from under his hand and smiled upon Alice's laughter. "I'm too tired and weak minded to talk about this right now."

"Then we can talk about it tomorrow, before I do it," the princess suggested.

"You better! If you're going to do something stupid, you might as well talk it out before you do it," Derek reasoned. Alice laughed again and slid her hand to the side of his face.

"Alright, I promise I'll talk to you first," she agreed. Derek smiled and put his hand over hers and kissed her hand.

"Good." The princess blushed and leaned down to plant a kiss on his forehead.

"You have to get better and heal up fast Derek, you just have to."

"Hey, I'm going to be fine ok? Nothing is going to happen to me," he reassured her.

"Ok," Alice confirmed. She glanced to his lips that she so badly wanted to kiss, but she didn't feel that this was the right moment. "I'll see you tomorrow then," she said.

"Are you sure that is a good idea?" Maid Lydia tried to talk Alice out of her decision.

"I can't marry that menacing prince! It would be the death of me and this kingdom," Alice said.

"Then if what your mother says is true, by you refusing to marry him, it will be the death of us anyway," her Maid pointed out.

"Either I marry a monster I don't love or I marry the man I love and pay the consequences. I just can't win when it comes to my mother, can I?" the princess asked exasperatedly.

"I am afraid not," Lydia said sadly.

"Tomorrow night, I want you to get as far away from here as you possibly can and take your family with you," Alice begged her Maid.

"But I can fight! I learned from you and Thomas," Lydia argued.

"I know, but I could never forgive myself if you or your family got hurt in any way. It will only take a day or two for the chaos to start," the princess explained.

"As you wish my lady, but I am only doing it because of your sincere heart and our sisterly bond."

(Below is a picture of Hue (the guy with long hair), Sam (the guy with the bowl), and Larry (the guy on the far right)

(Below is a picture of Hue (the guy with long hair), Sam (the guy with the bowl), and Larry (the guy on the far right)

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The Princess Knight by: Tauriel RogersWhere stories live. Discover now