Chapter 8

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"BACK TO TRAINING!" the Captain ordered. The Princess ventured over to a stack of swords, picking one up and turned it over, admiring it's sheen.

"What's your name anyway?" Alice asked as she studied the blade.

"Captain Riley at your service," he said as he bowed his head, "but before you can learn how to use one of those, you have to know how to fist fight," he said as he carefully took the sword from the Princess and put it back in the stack.

"HEY THOMAS!" Captain Riley called.

"Y-yes sir?" the young boy stammered nervously.

"Can you polish these swords for me lad? It's important that you not only know how to use a sword, but also how to care for one." Thomas smiled and Alice looked at the Captain in awe.

"My apologies Princess, where we were? Yes, you must know how to fist fight."

"And I suppose you know how to do that?" Alice said sarcastically. Captain Riley stifled a smile and lightly punched Alice's arm.

"Ow!" Alice shouted as she clutched her arm. "What was that for?"

"I thought so, you're going to need to some muscle before you can do anything."

"I think I can at least handle a shield," Alice shot, still rubbing her arm. The Captain pointed to where they were. "See? I can handle IT!" Alice said as she dropped the heavy shield. "What are these things made of? You men always make them look so easy to carry!" Captain Riley chuckled.

"Believe me now?" Alice shot him a playful glare. "Stand with your feet shoulder length apart, put your arms up in front of your face, and ball your hands into fists. Your thumbs should be on the outside," Captain Riley informed her. "Good, now keep your midsection strong, like this," Captain Riley instructed as he put his hands on Alice's hips and shifted her body. Alice gasped, startled that Captain Riley would touch her like that. His gaze met hers and Captain Riley saw the surprise on Alice's face. "I'm sorry your highness, I shouldn't have done that," he said immediately releasing her.

"No no, it's ok, you were only instructing me on how my form should be when in a fight. Please continue," Alice was eager to learn. Larry snickered at the Captain.

"A little jumpy are we?" he teased. Alice and Captain Riley shot Larry confused looks. Then Alice laughed.

"I'll bet you would've done the same had I done that to you," the Princess shot back. Larry's smile grew as he went back to his training. 

"Ok, let's see you punch," Captain Riley suggested, resuming Alice's training session. The two worked on how to punch and kick.

"My lady! You must hurry back to your room!" Maid Lydia called as she rushed into the courtyard.

"Is it that time already?"

"I'm afraid so."

"I have to go back Captain, but perhaps I can come back tomorrow?" Princess Alice asked.

"Of course! You are welcome here anytime," Captain Riley said. Alice nodded and with Maid Lydia following behind her, ran up the spiral staircase that led to her room.

"The landlord is joining us for supper tonight," Maid Lydia informed Alice as she changed behind her room divider.

"What joy," the Princess said sarcastically, "those finances will put me to sleep." Lydia laughed.

"If you expand your borders, you will have control over the Eastern River, making fish a part of the menu again for everyone, including the poor."

"Lord John, I do not want my kingdom to reek of the meat of creatures from the sea!" King Bard argued.

"Nor do I, it would spoil our fresh air," Queen Rosalind added. Alice rolled her eyes and sighed as she sat with her arms folded. Her parents had been going on about this for almost 3 hours now and nobody seemed to come to an agreement. Lord John sighed exasperated, completely out of ideas.

"What do you think Princess Alice? Do you have any ideas about moving the borders?" Lord John asked. Alice was about to answer, but her mother answered first.

"Oh, Alice won't be of much help. She has not studied that part of our kingdom's finances yet."

"Actually, I do have an idea," Alice spoke up, giving the Queen a cold stare. "I think if we were to move the borders Northwest, then we could have more land for farming. Farming would create twice the amount of jobs that fishing would, it would increase trade, and it would supply food to the poor, being beneficial to everyone and spreading happiness," Alice said. Everyone stared at her in shock. "How's that for not knowing my kingdom's finances?"

"I think it is an excellent idea," Lord John replied enthusiastically.

"Yes, yes it would be good for everyone," King Bard agreed as he contemplated the outcomes.

"Thank you so very much for supper, delicious as always, and thank you Princess Alice for solving our little dilemma," Lord John said as he shook her hand on his way out of the main gate. "Some day, you are going to make a great Queen among her people." Captain Riley smiled to himself as he waited for the landlord to finish.

"My King, my apologies for interrupting, but something urgent needs your attention." Alice smiled at Captain Riley .

"Princess," he said, bowing his head as he lead her father away.

"Captain," Alice said, returning the nod. Maid Lydia glanced between the 2 of them confused.

"What was that?" Maid Lydia asked once her and the Princess were out of ear shot from the Queen.

"He saved my life, I am only trying to return the kindness," Alice said.  


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The Princess Knight by: Tauriel RogersWhere stories live. Discover now