Chapter 30

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"Are you ready for this?" Maid Lydia asked as she led the princess up the stone stairs to the Royal Announcement balcony.

"No," Alice answered, already feeling the knot in the her throat.

"Be brave Alice, I know you can do this," Lydia encouraged her.

"Thank you."

"Of course," Maid Lydia croaked as she was already starting to get teary eyed. Maid Lydia went to take her place on the left side of the balcony. Next was the King and Queen. Alice watched them as her mother draped her arm over her father's and the two walked through the red curtain. She could hear the crowd cheer and gulped, knowing that every citizen of their kingdom was on their front doorstep anxiously awaiting the news. King Bard put his hand up to silence the crowd to give his speech.

"I have been your King for over thirty years and in that time, my Queen was able to provide me with a kind, beautiful daughter and a princess for this glorious kingdom. We have watched her grow and blossom into the beautiful girl she is today. We all know the custom of the realm; when a princess turns eighteen and becomes a woman, it is her turn to take up the role of a Queen. It is also the custom for every girl, when she becomes of age, to marry. Our kingdom is a big enough responsibility that the princess cannot take care of alone," King Bard paused to look at his wife, who smiled and glanced back to the crowd for him to go on, "And so, it is our honor to announce that Princess Alice of the Linque kingdom is hereby declared to be engaged to Prince Rorick of the Alda kingdom." Alice linked her arm over Prince Rorick's and the two stepped forward, walking through the red curtain and displayed themselves for all to see. The crowd gasped and whispered with each other. Alice gulped and peered out nervously. Her father gestured for her to step forward to address her people.

"People of the Linque kingdom, do not be alarmed. I promise you this engagement will be the greatest thing that ever happened to us. By marrying this man," Alice paused to glance at Prince Rorick for effect and he in turn smiled, "we can keep the peace between our kingdoms. It is my as a soon to be Queen to protect my people and I fully intend to keep that promise for as long as I live. It is my hope that this marriage will bring happiness and joy to everyone. Let this be a fresh start and a new beginning to all,"  Princess Alice finished, forcing the last half of her speech out of her mouth, knowing it had to be done because it was the right thing to do. The King and Queen had already retired behind the red curtain along with Maid Lydia. Alice gulped again when instead of applause and cheering, she received silence.

"Enough of this, I will see you later at supper," Prince Rorick murmured to Alice as he gave a wave to the crowd and disappeared behind the curtain, leaving Alice there alone.

"TRAITOR!" someone yelled, breaking the silence.

"YOU HAVE DOOMED US ALL!" another yelled.

"HOW COULD YOU?" A single tear ran down the princess's cheek as she stood there, her feet glued to the ground unable to move. She knew she couldn't reason with the people of her kingdom and so she looked down sadly, knowing that she had just let down everyone that thought she was good. Alice flinched as she felt something hit her arm hard. She opened one eye to realize it was a child's toy. She looked up just in time and her eyes grew wide with fear as a bottle of rum was thrown her way. She stepped aside and not a second before the bottle hit the wall where she had previously been standing in front of. The princess's heart started pumping faster and she became scared.

"ALICE!" Captain Riley called as he ran over and put his shield up. The princess scrunched her face upon hearing something splatter against his shield. The two slowly poked out from the shield to find that there was a squished tomato plastered on there. Another piece of food was thrown there way as the rioting started and Alice ducked her head behind the shield again, pushing herself against the Captain as reality set in. This was exactly what she was afraid of happening.

The Princess Knight by: Tauriel RogersWhere stories live. Discover now