Chapter 15

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Princess Alice returned to her room after breakfast to grab her How to Be Queen books, but found a riding dress laid out on her bed

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Princess Alice returned to her room after breakfast to grab her How to Be Queen books, but found a riding dress laid out on her bed. Maid Lydia was nowhere to be found. Confused, she peeked out of her room and quickly made her way to the library. She found her mother lounging in a chair reading. "Mother, have you seen Maid Lydia?" she asked.

"No, I do not care for the whereabouts of my peasants unless I need them for something," Queen Rosalind answered, not looking up from her book.

"Then how did the riding dress get on my bed and why is it there to begin with?"

"Prince Rorick will be here in an hour or so to go riding with you," the Queen answered. Alice felt like she had been punched by one of the guards. Hearing the silence, Queen Rosalind looked up to see her daughter's troubled face. "Cheer up darling, he is the best chance you have."

"The best chance?" Alice scoffed, "More like the worst sentence to death," she mumbled. Her mother sent her a sharp look that made Alice gulp.

"I will go, but only if we can ride through the market," the Princess bargained, knowing her it would anger her mother.

"Fine," Queen Rosalind seethed, "But NO sneaking away from him."

"As you wish mother," Alice said blankly. Alice stomped down to the stables to find that only one horse had been prepared.

"Ryan," she asked the stable boy as gently as she could, "Why have you prepared only one horse?"

"Because your mother requested only one horse be ready Princess," the boy replied. Princess Alice looked worried. "What is the matter?" he asked sincerely, "I thought going riding with a Prince on a horseback was something romantic to a Princess, at least, that's what my mum tells me." Alice laughed.

"You sweet little boy," she smiled as she crouched to his level, "Your mum is right, but not every Prince is nice like the fairytales say. Do you think you could prepare my horse within fifteen minutes?" Ryan nodded.

"Sure thing Princess! I'll have Jade ready in no time!" Alice walked hurriedly to the courtyard, but didn't want to be noticed. She realized the men would notice her brightly colored dress in the morning sun, so she went back to the barn and went through the back door. She closed the door as quietly as she could and walked through the armory until she found the box of daggers. The princess rummaged through the box until she found one that would fit comfortably in the side of her corset. She patted it to make sure it wouldn't cut through the rich fabric of her dress and smiled to herself when it didn't tear. As she stepped out of the armory, she bumped into someone. "Sorry Sir," she apologized and looked up when she realized the man hadn't let her go from his grip.

"Going somewhere?" Derek asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I-" Alice stuttered, taking in Derek's messy hair from training, "I needed something," she said relazing her fingers on the Captain's shoulders.

The Princess Knight by: Tauriel RogersWhere stories live. Discover now