Chapter 35

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Alice couldn't stay hidden away in her room all day and so she decided to get away. She awoke early, changed into a riding dress, and headed down her stone steps. She grabbed her new sword and tied it around her waist. She thought it wise to leave a note for Derek so he wasn't worried about why her sword was gone or where she went. Then she snuck into the kitchen and grabbed enough food to get her through the day. Finally she went to Royal Barn and saddled her horse, securing her bags on either side. She mounted Jade and looked back to make sure she hadn't been seen. Smiling to herself, she led Jade through the forest, knowing which path to follow that would take her all the way to the farms on the outskirts of the kingdom. She stopped at her favorite hill to eat breakfast in the lush green grass as she watched the sunrise, sharing an apple with her horse, and continued on her way, putting her hood up to conceal herself. By mid day, she reached Lydia's home and tied her horse to the front post. She knocked three times and the door was quickly answered by a tall man with dark hair, tanned skin, and a small moustache. "Alice! What a pleasant surprise! Please, come in," he held the door for her.

"Thank you sir," she said taking her hood off.

"We are ready for lunch if you would like to join us," Lydia's father offered.

"If it's not too much trouble."

"Not at all!"

"What brings you all the way out here?" Lydia's mother asked as she passed the potatoes.

"I'm um," Alice cleared her throat, "I'm actually helping a close friend of mine. He's looking for someone, but I have no idea what he looks like. All I have is a name."

"And who might that be?" Lydia's father asked.

"John Wellington," the princess announced.

"I have heard of the man, very well known in the port. Last I heard, he was selling the big fish. Other than that, I have not the slightest clue," he offered some details.

"Does that help dear?" Lydia's mother asked.

"It's a start and it's information I didn't have before," Alice thought as she took out a piece of parchment and wrote down the information so she wouldn't forget.

"If you do not mind me asking, what happened last night at the engagement ball? One moment you were dancing with a smile on your face and the next thing we know, you are fighting the man you are to marry," Lydia's mother asked.

"Oh, that," Alice chuckled, "Yes, well you see, I don't exactly want to marry Prince Menace and he doesn't seem to understand and neither do my parents. When he gets mad, he gets really scary and feels the need to hurt others," she explained. Lydia's mother gasped and put a hand over her heart.

"Oh my! You poor poor thing!"

"Don't worry, there is absolutely no way I'm going to marry him and I have a plan to get out of it," Alice told them.

"For a princess, your speech is certaintly different from any other Royal I have met," Lydia's father noticed. Lydia's mother slapped his chest and he looked at her and shrugged.

"Yes, I know. It is because I've been secretly training with the knights of the Royal Guard."

"Oh have you?" Lydia's mother asked interested.

"Mhm! In fact, I just got my own sword!" Alice said excitedly as she stood and pulled her cloak back to reveal her sheath.

"Well why don't you look at that!"

"So that is where you learned how to fight," Lydia's father pieced it all together, "A princess that can fight is truly a worthy leader. You have our loyalty," her bowed his head.

The Princess Knight by: Tauriel RogersWhere stories live. Discover now