Ch. Four

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I stop walking as I froze in my spot looking completely freaked out.

" How do you know where I live? "  I asked as I slowly walk through a hallway of my house.

" I'm outside of your house. "   he said.

" Stop you are not. "   I said scared.

" Wanna bet I am, See for yourself. "   he said.

" Are you watching me? " I asked.

" Yes. " He said.

" What am I doing? " I asked standing in the middle of the hallway.

" You're standing in the middle of a hallway. "   He said feeling him smirking.

I stood frozen once again as I wanted to just drop my phone and hide somewhere in my house but it would hard because I know he'll find me.

" STOP CALLING ME. " I yelled as I hanged up.

I ran to the kitchen to make sure the doors where locked once again. I felt my heart beating fast from the things that I'm completely freaking out about. All of a sudden the lights went out. I look everywhere but it was all pitched dark. This is worst then the nightmare I had in my nap. When I was dreaming in my nap, I realize that I finally remember what happen to me last night.

My sore legs and me woking up in bed naked, " I couldn't see him because he had black shades and a beanie and he walked away. " What Katie told me earlier in the morning was something very mysterious.

I go walk back to the kitchen to slowly look around to see where I was going. I heard my phone ring from my pocket as I grab it from behind and answer it.

" Hello. " I said I look around the kitchen and squad down so the creep wouldn't see me.

" Surprise I told you I wasn't kidding. DON"T EVER HANG UP ON ME AGAIN OR I'LL MAKE EVERYTHING WORSE. " He said in a raspy voice.

" What are you going to do? Hurt me again? You already did. You took advantage and raped me. I still remember. " I said in anger and in pain while hiding in the kitchen not moving.

" I didn't think you'll remember. I'm glad it refresh your memory. " He said with a chuckle on the phone as I look around and lean my back against the counter that's in my kitchen holding the phone against my ear as I think of a way to distract him.

" And you cut out my electricity. Thanks. " I said sarcastically starting to feel brave and look at the kitchen windows then looking around the house as I clean my eyes.

" Yup I did, But did you forgot to lock you're window upstairs It's open. " He said in a raspy voice. I started to close my eyes and started to think of a quick plan to catch him before he catches me.

I didn't move just yet and I know he is saying this because he wants to get my attention. If this is a game he wants to play, then plays fucker.

" Oh great, like I forgot to leave my window open right idiot. My window isn't open, nice try. So if you're really here in my house. Come and find me you asshole. I'll be waiting. " I said hanging up and started to crawl to the corner cabinet and open it quietly as I search for my emergency weapon.

Katie doesn't know about my gun because I never told her about it. I reload my gun and quietly close my cabinet. I started to stand up from the kitchen as I stopped and heard a broken window from upstairs. I grabbed my phone and put my phone on silent. I glance up and started walking quietly holding my gun in my hand. I then hear footsteps from upstairs and headed my way out of the kitchen and to the closet of downstairs.

I closed the closet quietly and glance down to my pocket and grab my phone. I went to my messages and started to send a quick text to Katie.

[Andrea]: SOS.

I pressed send and lower my brightness as I look up hearing the footsteps coming from downstairs. He's closer and he's hotter to where I was hiding. I'm praying he doesn't find me.

I felt my phone vibrate quietly as I glace back down and see a text from Katie.

[Katie]: What's wrong????

I looked up and heard the footsteps come closer as I stayed quiet and not move or make a sound as I breathe quietly. I hold my phone in my hand and slowly get down on my knees and look at the space from the door and see a pair of cameral boots stop walking and standing in front of the closet door.

He probably assumes I'm somewhere nearby. He began to start walking and again and seeing his feet away from the closet door. I feel relieved as I slowly get back on my feet and looked down at my phone. I remember I have security camera's in my house. I started to look back at Katie's text and not realizing she replied twice.

[Katie]: WHERE R U????

[Andrea]: I'm in the closet of downstairs. Someone is here in my house. He's walking around the house looking for me. Call 911 please Katie and text me when you're done. Ill be fine. I got this.

I locked my phone as I see a caller I.D pop up seeing it's from the creep who broke into my home. I denied it as I waited for him disappear for a few minutes. I hear the footsteps in the kitchen as I began to open the closet door quietly and slowly pecking my head out. I started to close the door behind me. I lightly and quietly lifted up a glass from the coffee table to throw it at him and went running to hide beside the stairs.

I heard footsteps rushed to the living room. I can feel him around the corner. I slowly began to move quietly and felt my phone vibrate. I'm holding my gun right now. I then started to creep out behind him and set my gun behind his head. " On your fucking knees. " I said as he stands there and slowly puts his hands up before he starts to get down on his knees with his back face in the front.

" What now? You're going to kill me? " He said in a dark and raspy tone as I started to shake my head.

" Not yet. " I said with a bit of a smirk and hit him on his head with my gun.

He falls on the floor as I glance at him seeing the side of his jawline with his eyes closed laying on the floor. I breathe slowly and I began to put my gun behind my back pocket and decided to go to the kitchen to tie him up. I remember my old boyfriend had handcuffs. This should be good.

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