Ch. Nineteen

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I insert the key to the hole unlocking the front door carefully and hear a sound knowing the door is unlock. I slowly open the front door and walked inside Harry's apartment. Jake slowly closes the front door and glances around Harry's apartment. His apartment looks neat and clean. But I also remember Anne telling me that she comes to clean his apartment when he wasn't around. It was kinda dark but once I turned the lights on, it looked and helped better.

I reopened my bag to grab a pair plastic gloves on so if the polices come here, I don't want my DNA to be left. I also gave a pair to Jake as he gets and puts them on. I finished putting them on as I carefully walked around a second having an idea nodding my head.

" Okay Jake, look around the living room and let me know what you found. I'll check his room. " I said as I began to walk down the hallway to his master's bedroom and looked around seeing how neat and clean it looks as I walked over to his nightstand and opened his drawers digging and carefully to look for information I need.

I would make noises but it didn't matter because it was just Jake and I in the apartment.

After searching for some stuffs I found that were important, I accident knocked over a clock alarm when I heard a something a bit loud coming from somewhere. I turned to see the closet doors opening holding my bag on me and slowly walk over to the closet seeing a light turned on. It looks like a secret room.

I walk inside the secret room and looked around seeing two through four computers. One of the computers are security cameras. I slowly walk to the computer with camera footages and looked at the mouse thinking of what to do. I carefully moved the mouse but the computer had a password. Now I have to figure out what's his stupid password.

Well actually I don't because I've learned how to hack computers since high school. I began doing my magic and waited seeing the screen loading. I smiled knowing I got access. I smirked to myself. " I still got it. " I said to myself as I sigh and moved around the mouse and saw something that caught my eyes.

Harry has a file of the year of 2012. The year I started college. I clicked the file to found video footages. My face turned serious waking my eyes up as I decided to play a footage of myself. He was stalking me with hidden cameras in my dorm. How did he know what dorm I was staying at is my question. I looked further and grabbed my USB flash drive connecting it to the computer and getting every footage he has of me.

While it's downloading, I used the other computer as my eyes drifted to when I dropped something on the floor. " Shit. " I said to myself as my eyes slowly turned to seeing a board and brainstorms. I saw a picture of myself in the center.

I walked over to the board seeing how he had information about me. I carefully grabbed a printed paper what looked like the classes I took back in college. Then I realized in that moment he went to the same college I went too. He knew everything about me. The classes I was taking, where I lived, where I'm from, my ID, pictures of my childhood from Instagram, and many more.

" That's why he went to my college... Because of me. " I said to myself as I saw a recommendation later underneath my college schedule seeing it's his recommendation later from the college he was actually going to attend instead.

I read it and once I finished reading quietly, I decided to make copies of everything that is important.

I FINISHED Making copies of every little thing I found that Harry kept and began to figure out how to lock the secret room. I was holding all of Harry's information and evidence in my arms to show Dannie. I hope this isn't crossing the line. I have the USB flash drive safe and sound as I walked out of Harry's master bedroom. I walked back the hallway to seeing Jake still looking and taking pictures of something.

I frowned curiously to what he was doing. I went up close. " What is it? " I asked as Jake continues taking picture using his phone.

Jake says looking at the picture. " I found a couple of things. -Harry isn't who you think he is. "

I frowned confused. " What do you mean? " I asked looking at him.

Jake looks at me. " Because Harry is actually a secret CEO. He works a company where the company is a fraud of making people think they do marketing but they don't. He spies on girls like you. Every person that works could be like him there. You are his first case. -That's how he study you Andrea. He had to be the top of the list to make tons of money. " Jake said as I sighed and made a disappointing look on my face as I glanced at the information Jake found.

" We need to make copies of this. If were going to lock Harry in jail, this is it. This is the evidence I need. " I said as Jake nods his head bit.

" It is Andrea but this is trespassing. " Jake said feeling concern looking at me.

I looked at Jake. " I don't care if this is trespassing to be honest. Anne gave me a key to his apartment which means this isn't trespassing. -Jake I needed the information I came for and now we have it. I need this information because what you found is very much helpful. -This can make a difference. " I said to Jake as he stays quiet thinking a moment and realizing that I'm right.

We Arrived to the hotel again safe and sound without getting caught. I was reading everything and the information I had of Harry. I sigh softy and began rubbing my eyes gently feeling tired and exhausted. It was 8:30pm. So tired that I have to rest and continued where I left off.

I woke up the next morning drinking tea on a Sunday. I felt relax and better from yesterday. I invited Jake to hangout with in my hotel room to help me out with this case so I move forward with my life and not feel like it's trapped.

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