Ch. Twenty-One

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I Had To get another rented car because Jake needs the other rented car so since it's just for today, I ended up driving to Lawrence Management to do my investigation and find out what's their hidden secret. I already know but I also want to know if the stalking situation is still going on.

I was listening to music from Spotify. I drive slowly looking at the cooperation from the company of Lawrence Management.

I shortly got lucky to finding a parking spot close by. I parked the rented car there and got out grabbing my purse after I turned the engine off. I put my phone away once I locked the car, walking over to the entrance of Lawrence Management. I didn't see a lot of business people around the company. And it is so quiet. I needed to figure how can I have access to Harry's stuff. Unless I say I'm Harry's sister.

Or a journalist which I am actually with a different name of course. This is going be a hard one.

I glanced around the company and slowly began walking up to the secretary out front. She was speaking to someone on the phone relaxed and writing information down. I waited for her to finish while I quickly grabbed my phone to text Jake.

Jake likes to hack some stuff too but I needed his help for this and it's a favor I need from him right now.

[Andrea]: Jake, did you make an appointment at the company I told you earlier about?

I wanted to make sure I had access in order to expose this company. I began to look away from the secretary letting her do her job while I waited for Jake to inform and text me back. My phone buzzed.

[Jake]: Andrea, I did. You're in. You're all set. Just tell them or whoever is at front desk your name Nina Andrews and you're good to go. They will give you a card pass. Which means you may have access to get into Harry's office.

I finished reading Jake's text thinking for a moment if I should but it'll be hard because they're securities here so unless I dress up as a janitor over night then I can get in with a fake janitor employee card. I just need to look for the janitor's uniform so I know what to wear. I'm suppose to leave tonight but I think I can make it on time to the airport tonight.

[Andrea]: Okay. Tysm Jake.

I send Jake the message and locked my phone once the secretary finished up wrapping the call on whoever she was speaking to on the phone. I look at her as she smiles warmly at me.

" Hi, may I help you? " The Secretary asked with a warm polite smile on her face.

I returned the smile. " Hi and yes. I booked an appointment yesterday for today to see Mr. Jax Lawrence. " I said as the secretary smiles and starts to use the computer to look up the appointment.

The secretary scrolls down the appointments and looks at me. " Are you Miss Nina Andrews? " The secretary asked to make sure she has the right person identity.

I smiled warmly at her. " That is me. " I said to the secretary as she turns to grab a visitor card pass that is a necklace.

" Okay Miss Andrews, Let me inform Mr. Lawrence that you're on your way up. " The Secretary said grabbing the phone as I nodded my head bit and waited as I looked away from her to look around the company again.

I turned back around to look at the secretary who smiles at me again. " Mr. Lawrence will now see you Miss Andrews." The Secretary said to me as I smiled warmly putting on the necklace of the visitor card pass walking to the elevator.

I pressed the number two and waited for the elevator to move once the doors closed to start moving. I felt my phone vibrate from my purse as I reached my hand inside to grab it.

I look down lighting my phone to see a text from Jake. I unlocked my phone to see what Jake send me.

[Jake]: Did you make it in?

I smiled a bit while the elevator kept moving until it slowly stops on the second floor.

[Andrea]: Yeah I did. I gtg. I'll let you know how it went. I'll text you when I'm out so we can meet somewhere.

I locked my phone after sending Jake a quick and fast text, putting away my phone. I glanced up and began to look around to look for Harry's desk. It was hard to tell unless his office is private. He can't be promoted until you have ninety nine victims. That's what Jake told me after our session on investigating with the company Harry worked for.

I made my way to Jax's office. I knocked on his door and waited a few seconds before hearing a male of course with a raspy tone in his voice say come in.

I began to open the door and walked inside to look at a very attractive guy who looked in his mid twenties. I feel like I'm living the life of Anastasia Steele. Jax's face lights up with a smile. He stands up from his seat.

" Ah. You must be Miss Andrews. " Jax said as I nodded my head and made my way to greet him.

" Yes and of course you are Mr. Lawrence." I said as Jax smiles more nodding his head.

" That is me. " Jax said as we shook hands and took a seat.

Jax looks at me sitting up straight. " What brings you here Miss Andrews?" Jax added asking looking at me mysteriously as he tiles his head to the side.

" I wanted to interview you about your company and you of course if that's okay? " I said grabbing my notepad and it's not the small one this time.

Jax smiles happily. " Oh yeah of course!" Jax said delighted as I smiled at him to get started with the interview.

Jax And I Chatted Here and there and so far, all the good questions are pretty interesting that got me thinking. Jax noticed and I'm even recording the interview with my phone as well to also have evidence. It was getting good and deep. I'm starting to like a spy because the good part is coming pretty soon.

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