Ch. Twenty-Eight

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I Shook My Head a bit as I sat at the hotel room thinking and waiting for Detective Holt to call me. The polices wanted me to not be home because they are still working on the evidence. I am not sure how long this will take but I hope it's not another problem. I can't deal with this crap anymore. The good thing is that Haddie was asleep when I shot the guy. I was scared she was going to wake up and start crying but she didn't.

I just finished breast feeding her and sat there concerned. All these concerns got into my mind just wondering what would've happen if I left Haddie sleep in her room. The guy could've kidnapped her without me noticing. Thank god she was downstairs with me safety. I decided to rent an apartment or something until we can go back to the house. I don't want stay at the hotel.

My phone starts to ring from the nightstand I left my phone last night and reach over to grab it. I looked down seeing Katie calling me. I grab my phone to answer it.

" Hey. " I said a bit tired and stressed out.

" Hey Andy, how did you sleep?  " Katie asked concerned on the phone.

I rubbed my face a bit. " Okay but not good enough. -God I'm so stupid like I was thinking what if something happen to Haddie if I left her upstairs by herself  sleeping in her room. And the guy could've kidnapped her. " I said to Katie with a few tears falling down my cheek concerned.

Katie sighs concerned. " Andy please don't cry. Okay? Everything is going to be okay. I promise you. " Katie said on the phone as I take a deep breathe.

I needed to take a relax and not the bad affect get any worse for me.

" Yeah you're right Kat, I just feel like it's too much for me to handle. " I said to Katie on the phone and I turned to see Haddie still sleeping beside me and moves a bit.

" I know it's too much Andy. We're sticking together until you get justice. I know you will. You're strong and brave. Be proud of that. " Katie said as I began to feel a small smile on my lips looking away from Haddie.

" -I will be when the nightmare is gone. " I said to Katie as I feel her smile on the phone.

" I know you don't want to stay at a hotel so I decided that we should stay at my grandma's house. My dad's mom by the way. She doesn't have anyone staying at her house and it's good for us until we get our house back. " Katie said as my eyes went serious with what Katie said.

" Really? Are you sure? because I don't want her to change her mind or anything like that. " I said to Katie making sure if it was okay with what she said.

Katie smiles on the phone. " Yes I'm positive Andy. I promise she meant that. So we good. -Like if you want you can go right now and I'll let her know that you're on your way. " Katie said as I put on a bit of a smile.

" I'll wait for you. " I said feeling uncomfortable just showing up at Katie's grandma's house.

" Okay. I'll text you later cause they need me right. " Katie said rushed as I nodded my head quickly.

" Yeah sounds good, bye. " I said once Katie and I hung up.

I rang my fingers through my hair turning back and looking at Haddie still sleeping as I put my phone beside me. I began to lay down on the bed carefully to look and admire at her sleeping. I bring my hand to her cheek, carefully stroking her cheek carelessly and love. I lean in to give her a kiss on her forehead.

I kept staring at her, stroking her cheek. " I love you pumpkin. " I said quietly while watching her sleep.


Katie And I went to her grandma's house. Her grandma's house is a two story house. It was pretty big. Katie's grandmother had a crib from when Katie was like Haddie. Katie didn't think that her grandmother would keep it. Katie told me that she use to stay a lot with her grandparents when her mom was working. Katie lost both her mom and grandpa in a awful car accident at a freeway. At the time Katie ended up staying with her grandmother every since.

Katie's dad passed away when she was months old. So she didn't know her dad that well. Her grandma said that Katie's dad loved her very much and until now she still does even if he's not here with her but inside Katie's heart. It broke my heart that she lost both of her parents. I think I cried when she told me the story in middle school. My mom passed away when she gave birth to me and my nana was the only guardian close.

So the government and social worker let my nana keep me. About a couple years later when I graduated kindergarten, my nana wanted us to go to London because that is where she is originally from and so is my mom. God rest her soul by the way. I went to elementary in London and during my Christmas break in middle school, my grandma and I went to Melissa's grandma's house. My nana and Melissa's grandmother are very closes besties by the way. And I met Melissa first. Later on Melissa wanted me to go with her to school.

My nana didn't like the idea and I wasn't sure if it was ever okay with her. My nana has been like a mother to me so I go along with whatever is okay with her. She was never strict, never was rude, or treated me like crap. I was like twelve at the time. I had friends in London but some of them moved and one of them died with leukemia cancer. She was my best friend Sadie was her name. I ended up becoming depressed because I lost the one person I had in my life. I went school daily and everything.

But it wasn't the same anymore. My nana saw the pain I was in when I would visit Sadie at the hospital. Then when one day she was gone. So my nana wanted what was best for me. And that is to be happy. She wanted me to start fresh and new. Weeks later, I moved with Melissa's grandmother and Melissa. Melissa has a family but they moved to Washington D.C and Melissa didn't want to leave so she stayed with her grandma.

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