Ch. Forty

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All Day Today was the day that Harry comes out. I was holding Haddie in my arms as she chews on her pacifier rest her head against my chest. Gemma and Anne are like these girly girls that are gushing with excitement to meet their favorite band of all time. It made laugh at thought of them being that way. I kissed Haddie's forehead softy covering her from the sun. We saw a figure close by seeing Harry carrying a bag in his hand looking for us.

Anne walks up closely calling his name and waving her hand to get his attention. Harry comes jogging towards us. Anne then hugs and kisses Harry's cheek softy. I grinned at Anne while holding Haddie in my arms. Gemma hugs Harry tightly telling and complimenting him. Harry smiles at Gemma and kisses her head. Harry's eyes landed on me and then smiles widely and excited to see Haddie in my arms.

" Oh my goodness. Is this my baby? " Harry said happily as I grin brightly nodding my head slowly.

Harry moves closer to Haddie and I lean into him a bit. He brings his hands to reach out for Haddie. Haddie looks at Harry and slowly reaches her little arms for him to carry her. I carefully hand Haddie to Harry as he gently carries her in his arms smiling to himself and kissing her head as Haddie gets comfortable in his arms. I never felt this happy in life that I wanted to cry seeing how Harry is happy to have Haddie in his arms.

 Six Months Later.

Today is the day that my best friend Melissa gets married. I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm dating my stalker. Just kidding not my stalker anymore. My boyfriend who is the father of our daughter Haddie. He is so different and gives us so much love to the both of us. My life was starting to get so much better. I was feeling happy for once in life. I watched Melissa put the ring on her new to be now husband Samuel. It made me so happy for them.

" I pronounce you husband and wife. " The pastor said to Melissa and Samuel before turning to look at Samuel. " Samuel you may kiss the bride. " The pastor added looking Samuel who smiles at Melissa.

Melissa and Samuel kiss as everyone that came to watched Melissa and Samuel kissing.

The reception was very nice to be honest. Lots of drinking. I was having fun playing the wedding games that Katie and I made. Melissa couldn't choose who she wanted to be her maid of honor so she choose both Katie and I. Harry spend tons of quality time with Haddie. He decided to continued working for Lawrence's Management but not in London. Harry wanted to stay here for Haddie and I. His life is here with us.

Jax opened a new company here in Portland but instead of making his own company he ended up having a partnership with Harry onto helping Jax own his and Harry's management company name Lawrence and Styles Management and this time it's not a fraud company I can promise you that.

Harry was going to be a English teacher but things changed and it happens. You change your life all the time. Well not your life. Your mind. I am in school to study and be a entrepreneur as well. I wanted to graduate early and get started on my career because I don't want to waste another time being there for Haddie. I work part time now for Entertainment Magazine Office. Katie and Greg have been dating six months now. Gemma and Anne went back to London. Robin and Anne are still together and happy.

My nana came for a visit to meet and see Harry, Haddie, and I. I was enjoying the party when it was getting dark. Haddie ended up falling asleep in Harry's arms who is sitting down chatting with Jake.

" Okay to everyone that are not married. I am ready to throw my flowers! Get in crowd! " Melissa said on the microphone as she stands behind us smiling. I was in crowd but I doubt I'll get married.

As soon as Melissa throw the flowers up in the air. I was like in the back and in between. Some of her friends and family where like fighting over it. I wasn't until out of nowhere the flowers ended up in my hands. The girls in crowd stopped fighting turning to look at me. I stood there in shocked holding the flowers as Melissa comes up to give me a hug.

The people at the reception were cheering for me. I chuckled smiling to myself and covering my mouth thinking how crazy to think I wouldn't get married. I'm the next person in line to get married. I danced with Melissa and Katie as she tells me in my ear about Harry marrying me. I told her back in her ear that I doubt that and who knows whatever happens. It's when it happens.

Melissa, Katie, and I were holding hands like little girls dancing and having fun. I will never forget this memory of us three together forever. Later a slow song came on so we went our separate ways. Harry put Haddie in her stroller to continue sleeping. Harry and I began to dance together with the slow song. Harry pulls me in closely to his chest without stepping on me stepping on his shoes while we slowly dance.

Towards the middle of the slow song, Harry whispers into my ear. " If you were to spend the rest of your life with me, would you like that? " Harry asked whispering in my ear because the music was loud for us to hear.

I grinned to myself and leaned into his ear. " Why do you ask that? " I asked Harry curiously while grinning.

Harry grins showing his beautiful dimples looking at me. " I just want to know if you would like to spend the rest of your life me. " Harry said in my ear as I froozed for a moment.

All of a sudden the slow song ended and Harry pulls away to stand in front of me before getting on one knee. I stood frozen without even moving thinking is this really happening. Oh my goodness it's happening. It's really happening.

I covered my mouth not wanting to cry. " Oh my god. " I mouth to myself developing happy tears in my eyes.

Everyone that was dancing on the dance floor surrendering Harry and I watching him take out a dark navy blue ring box. " Andrea Selene Emerson, I know we've been dating for six months but yet it feels like we've been together for the rest of my life. You are the one and only person I would definitely want to spend the rest of my life with. Will you do me the honor to marry me? " Harry said while I kept looking down at him.

I had my hand covered over my mouth while looking at Harry with tears in my eyes nodding my head. " Yes, I'll definitely do the honor to marry you. " I said to Harry as he grins looking confident as he gets on his feet and puts the ring on my finger.

I heard everyone that surrender us cheering. I wrapped my arms around Harry's neck and leaned into him pressing my lips onto his. He holds me close to him kissing my lips in return and cupping my face in his hands while kissing me passionately. I slowly pulled away as I grinned at everyone and moved over to hug Melissa cheering and congratulating me on my proposal.

Katie also congratulates me and gives me a tight hug. This was a moment I didn't expect to happen but it did happen. Harry loves me very much and watching him smile with our friends made my life changed to one I didn't think I would have.


About A Year Later, Harry and I were officially married. I am now a Styles. I married to the most beautiful man in the universe. We also decided to spend our honeymoon with Haddie. We went to St. Tropez. Haddie is now one years old having her hair in crazy curls. We went to the beach today taking and having fun with her. I smiled and laughed because we built sandcastles all together as family. She accidentally throw some on her dad's face. I had to take a picture of it because it made me laugh. It was the best day of our lives.

The sun later was going down and Harry ended up carrying Haddie in his arms as we stared down at the sunset. I never realized that him and I were meant to be. Until now I'm realizing it. This was our moment. This is it.

                                          The end.

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