Ch. Thirty-Eight

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I continued hearing footsteps coming closer as I take a close look at who was talking first. I slowly sat up to look at the guy and ended remembering Zayn from the picture I showed Harry yesterday when I visited him in jail. It's Zayn. He sees me as he turns to look at the guys wearing a black robbery mask on their faces to cover it.

" You guys can go. I got it from here. " Zayn told the other guys who nod their heads walking away from Zayn.

I stayed stood feeling in shocked while looking at the guys who leave on their way out, closing the door. Zayn looks at me as I slowly look up at me. I have the soft long light blanket on my mouth to keep me quiet from making a sound. Zayn keeps looking at me as he starts to grab something bringing a chair to sit in front of me. I thought he was going but instead he came closer to me and untied the blanket I have in my mouth, taking it off.

I allowed him to take it off as I remain quiet looking at Zayn. Zayn pulls back and begins to sit in front of me.

" -Where exactly am I? " I asked Zayn looking at him not moving.

Zayn sits up straight looking at me curiously. " Somewhere that cops don't find you and I. " Zayn said while looking at me.

I breathe slowly but not too fast while looking at Zayn. " What do you want? " I asked Zayn.

" Nothing. I have you where I want you. You're here. " Zayn said as I shook my head looking at him like he's high.

" You're crazy. The cops will find me and when they do, you're going to regret it. I can promise you that. " I said to Zayn frowning my eyebrows together making that oh yeah look.

He then huffs and begins to shake his head. " You really believe they're coming out here? " Zayn asked looking at me.

I smirked a bit. " I have ways. Just like you do. -You're never gonna get away with this Zayn. " I said glaring at him.

Zayn stays quiet as he narrows his eyes making that sneaky look on face. " We'll see about that." Zayn said before standing up as I stay seated in the chair as I hear his footsteps walking away from me and leaving the room.

I rest my head and once I heard the door shut closed and locked. Zayn doesn't know that Jake put a tracking chip in my hair so I know in my heart Jake, Harry, and Detective Holt are on their way any minute. I just don't have my phone with me. I looked down at my feet seeing the white and nude rope wrapped around my feet. I slowly and quietly try to wiggle my both of feet. I continued wiggling my feet together when my eyes landed on a army knife a few inches away from where I was sitting.

I breathe slowly and carefully lifting myself up from the chair that felt comfortable and falling on the floor once I slide my body down. I dragged my body a bit closer quietly for the other guys not to hear me outside. I am close to the army knife and carefully reach it with my hand. It looks old. I carefully grab it in between my hands that are tied with the rope and used it to cut off the rope.

I kept cutting the rope off pretty fast and looking behind the old and brown dusty wall to see if anyone is coming. I look back down seeing that the rope is tearing from cutting it. The rope breaks as I grab the army knife carefully and use it to cut off the rope from my legs. I finished cutting the rope off. I get on my feet carefully and quietly walking slowly looking around when I spotted my purse from the corner. I thought I dropped my purse during the kidnapping but I was lucky I didn't.

I look at the door seeing that it's closed and locked. I carefully grab my purse and began digging looking for my phone. I kept digging until I finally find it. I look back up at the door and then at my phone seeing that I turned my phone off. I slowly turned my phone on seeing the apple image pop up. I see that I have thirty percent. I see million of texts from Jake and Detective Holt. I carefully jog back where I was hidden and called Detective Holt. I hear the other line ringing.

" Please, please, please pick up. " I whispered to myself while waiting for Detective Holt to answer.

I then hear someone's voice on the phone line . " Andrea thank god! We are close. Hold on tightly. " Detective Holt said on the phone.

" Okay please hurry. " I said to Detective Holt whispering quietly as I hold my phone closely.

I Waited For Detective Holt to arrive when I sat on the chair leaning and rest my cheek on the sofa. I felt dirty and sweaty inside my body. I was falling asleep because there wasn't any air conditioner in here so I am trying to stay awake as soon as I can. Minutes later I slowly began to jump hearing noises upstairs. I prayed that Detective Holt is here to save me. I stand up continuing to hear the noises and loud voices. I couldn't hear that well but I feel like Detective Holt is here. The voices got quiet all of a sudden as I heard footsteps near where I am.

I turned to the door and hearing the voices once again. " GET ON THE GROUND NOW. GET ON THE GROUND. " I heard a cop say outside that door.

" ON THE GROUND. " I heard another cop say as I stood quietly with my heart racing fast.

The door bursts open seeing the swat team here. I slowly put my hands up and went on my knees looking down. The swat team were surrounded by me. I heard a familiar voice walk in the room telling the swat team that I'm good. I looked up and saw the swat team leaving me with Detective Holt. I smiled relieved and went to give Detective Holt a hug thanking him. He returns the hug rubbing my back before pulling away from.

" Are you okay? Did they hurt you? " Detective Holt asked looking down at me.

I looked back up at him and shook my head. " No I'm fine. I'm just glad you're here. " I said to Detective Holt as he smiles warmly and begins to take off his jacket to put it on me.

We walk out of the basement and to the house. Detective Holt walks me to the ambulance to make sure I'm fine. The paramedic checks my blood pressure and cleans the small tiny scar I had on my forehead from bleeding a bit. I slowly turned my head seeing Harry and Jake talking to Detective Holt. I watched them talk as the paramedic told me to look at him but I ended up looking straight ahead.

I heard footsteps coming towards me and the paramedic finishes cleaning the small bleeding I had on the corner of my forehead.

" Hey you're alive. " Jake said happy as I gave him a smile.

" I am at least. " I said to Jake as I turned to look at Jake.

Jake nods head as the paramedic leaves Jake and I alone. " I'm glad it worked out though. It was worth it. " Jake said to me as I smiled a bit agreeing.

" Yeah. " I said looking over seeing Harry but the FBI agents ended up arresting him.

I watched the FBI agent take Harry as I excused myself from Jake jogging over to the FBI agent that are taking Harry to the car. I jogged up to him seeing Harry about to get in the FBI car. " Wait. Wait. -Give me a few minutes please. " I said out of breathe as the FBI looked kinda confused walking away from Harry and I.

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