Ch. Ten

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I walked inside the house and looked at Katie who is making dinner as she smiles warmly at me. I returned the warm smile as I put down my purse to grab a few grocery bags. Katie looks at me and stops cooking to help me out.

" I got it Kat. " I said to Katie as she chuckles softy and walks after me.

" I don't care Andy. You're pregnant. Remember? " Katie said as I rolled my eyes playfully and sigh letting her help me out as I grab the grocery bags from the car.

After Dinner with Katie, I headed to bed because I felt exhausted to stay up for a bit. I was feeling a little better and my mind relaxed for the day. I felt stressed out from two weeks ago and now that I'm pregnant, I have to take of not only me but the baby. I can't blame the baby because it's not his or her's fault. I laid in bed with the TV off and the lights just sitting there thinking about Harry and how I know everything about him.

I sound creepy but I needed to know who he is. He has a family where he's from. All these questions are running through my mind about Harry. I didn't tell Katie that I'm going to travel to London and visit Harry's family. I have to figure out what to say to them when that day comes. Which I'll get there Friday noon.

Three Days Later.

I was in my office on Wednesday working on the story I had previously awhile ago that I didn't get a chance to finish. I'm a magazine editor that talks about celebrity with true facts. I sat in my office looking at the newspaper for a second and reading through it. I then heard a knock come from my door. I said come in hearing my office door open.

I glance up and saw Jake walk inside and closes the door as he smiles warmly at me.

" Hey Jake what's up? " I said returning the warm smile back as he's holding an envelope.

" Not much, I just came to tell you that you have mail. And tell you that Joanne wants to talk to you when you're ready. " Jake said as I nodded my hand and he places the envelope on my desk.

" I'll be in her office shortly. Thank you Jake. " I said to him as he small smiles and starts walking away leaving my office.

I glance at the envelope and started to open it and noticed that two plane tickets to London is here. I put it back in the envelope and make my way out of my office to go talk to Joanne. I stepped out of my office and sigh softy to myself while walking down the small path of the hallway as I continued walking to Joanne's office. I really hope it's not so serious.

I knocked on Joanne's door and heard her voice from behind the door allowing me to come inside. I open the door and let myself inside as I close the door behind me and smiled softy at her.

Joanne smiles warmly at me as she has her hands on her desk folded and crossed together. " Have a seat Andrea. " She said as I make my way to sit down in front of her desk on the chair.

" What is this about?" I asked looking at Joanne confused as she sit there and sighs softy.

" Andrea. I just wanted to talk to you about how you're doing? And if you need more time, I'll give you more time for you to heal." Joanne said as I sit there while looking at her having a tired and calm look on my face.

" I do need more time. But I just can't sit at my house everyday and do nothing. -I'm taking everything slow and easy. Because that's what I need to do and not fall apart." I said to Joanne as she nods her head understanding.

" I do understand. But the problem is that, if you can't focus here. That's fine. And if you want to talk to someone about your problems. I can help you with that. I'll give you the break you need. " Joanne said while looking at me with concern.

Joanne is right. I feel like I'm crazy or need help. But I guess if I do see a therapist after having my child. I'll do it for my baby.

" Joanne the truth is that even if I'm having a hard time. I'll consider to see someone. But I'm going to be a mom.  Until I have the baby. I'll give myself time." I said to Joanne as she small smiles understanding once again.

" Okay. " Joanne said looking at me with a warm smile.

I head my back home after leaving my workplace. I normally don't leave early. It'll help me relax and get my mind take a break from feeling insane. I was glad that I'm out of the house for once. It does help me feel a bit better. My phone starts to ring as I pull up in my driveway not seeing Katie here yet. I grabbed my phone and started to answer the call.

" Hello this is Andrea speaking. "  I said closing my driver's door and locking my car as I make my way to the front door.

" Andrea hey! It's Dannie. "  Dannie said on the phone as I smiled a bit and walk inside the house locking the front door behind me.

" Hey Dannie, what's up? " I asked Dannie as I put down my purse and make my way to the kitchen.

" Andrea. I rather talk to in person. Are you home? " Dannie asked as I felt confused for a moment and nod my head.

" Yeah I just got here. What's wrong? " I asked starting to feel concerned and stop my movements.

" I'll tell you when I get there. " Dannie said as I breath slowly and glance around my kitchen.

" Okay I'll be waiting. " I said as Dannie and I began to hang up.

I hold my phone feeling curious and concerned as I started to grab ice cream from my fridge and decided to wait for Dannie to arrive at my house. Dannie is my longtime friend and my roommate. We of course graduated at the same college and now she's my lawyer. I felt worried because Dannie's message sounds like something is up. I hope it's not about Harry or it's not that serious.

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