Ch. Thirty-Five

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The next day which is Friday here in London, we left the London's airport seeing that it's daytime here. I sighed softy feeling tired as we got in the rental car. Jake decided to drive for the day so we can stay a hotel nearby. I rest my head on the window thinking. Harry fell asleep. I put the tracking chip in his hair so he doesn't know about that. He won't for awhile until I tell him at the end of the day. Jake later pulls up at the hotel that I told him about yesterday.

I slowly sit up straight and see him looking for a parking lot. I help him find one. " Hm. Park here." I said to him as Jake slowly parks there turning the engine off.

I began to open the passenger's door getting out to stretch a bit. I yawned softy and open Harry's door waking him up slowly. Harry begins to slowly wake up with sleepy eyes as I make my way to the trunk opening it to grab my suitcase. Harry comes and grabs his. Jake grabs his suitcase as I shut the trunk closed. I hold onto my purse as Jake locks the car.

Once we got the penthouse, I put my things down in the hotel room and make way to the living room. I made myself some coffee to wake me up. Jake takes a sip of his coffee using his laptop as Harry drinks his coffee. I sit down on the sofa and look at Harry.

" You know Zayn's mind and how it works, what do you think he's up too? " I asked Harry as Harry looks back at me.

Harry breathes slowly looking at me. " Zayn is like mastermind. He's not one step ahead because he figures out everything at the end. -What's today? " Harry asked looking at me.

I look back at him. " Friday. " I said as Harry nods his head rubbing his chin a moment.

" -So right now he's out doing some business and pleasure. Like going to clubs. He does check his system every week. So if he checked his system last week, then he'll check it next week. So we have to get there before any of his guys or him get there. Especially FBI. " Harry said noting me as I nodded my head slowly keeping it in my mind looking away from Harry.

" Let's get moving. " I said to Harry and Jake finishing drinking my coffee and put it down.

Harry and I walked inside Lawrence's Management entrance as I looked around. Harry walks beside me and walks up to the secretary as her face's lights up seeing Harry. Harry fakes a smile looking at the secretary as I smiled rolling my eyes a bit. He stands in front of her having a small chit chat with her.

" Oh my god, Harry where have you been?" The secretary asked looking at Harry as Harry smiles at her.

I faked a smile once I glanced away from them both just a second. Harry continues to talk to the secretary and I gently step on his shoe to speed up the chit chat. Harry makes a ouch look on his face as the secretary noticed his face.

" What's wrong? " The secretary asked looking at him.

Harry waves it off giving an assuring smile. " Nothing is wrong. -Do you still have my ID? " Harry asked looking at the secretary as she nods and turns around to grab Harry's ID.

Harry smiles and thanks me. The secretary looks at me and smiles at me. " Harry who is she? " The secretary asked him.

Harry looks at me. " She's an intern I hired to be my assistant. " Harry said with a warm smile as he looks at me and smile warmly once the secretary accepts it.

I wave bye to the secretary because she didn't recognized I looked different. We walked into the elevator and Harry pressed the second floor. I looked up at the ceiling as Harry stands on my right side. We stood quiet while elevator moves to the second floor. I realized that I don't think Harry knows about Haddie. I've been so focused on ending a nightmare that I thought that it would end but it turns out the nightmare is getting worse then a minute.

The elevator stops at the second floor and we step out of the elevator doors. I look around as there's hardly ever people working cause it's Friday. Harry scans his card in seeing the red light turn green. I look both ways making sure no one is around. I followed after Harry walking beside him. Harry looks around the door seeing some people working. I followed Harry letting him lead the way as I looked around for a second then Harry stopped at a door with dark windows. Harry unlocks the door with his thumb for the machine to scan it.

The scan machine accepts him and lets Harry have access to going inside. I walk inside the room after Harry, walking up the staircase. It was pretty dark in here so I grabbed my phone for the flashlight to see. We kept walking as I watched my step and at last reaching the end of the staircase. I look around the room seeing all these systems.

" This is all his? " I asked as Harry looks around seeing Zayn's computer systems.

" Yeah. " Harry said as he walks somewhere to grab something what look like a bag and walking over to the system.

" What are you going to do? " I asked watching Harry holding the flashlight to the computers.

Harry looks at me and then back at the bag. " I'm going to grab the only system that we need. The rest isn't important." Harry said as he sits down to get into Zayn's computer and grabs a electronic device and puts it in the bag. He gets the USB stick that was connected to the computer.

Harry hands me the USB stick. " What's this? " I asked Harry as he looks at me.

" An extra copy from the machine. So if we lose this machine. We have the other half." Harry said zipping up the bag as I nod my head.

He gives me the bag as I hold onto it and watch what else he was going to do. He grabs the gas tank and my eyes widen. " WHAT? -What are you doing? " I asked freaking out of a sudden.

Harry looks back at me and then looks away from opening the gas tank. " Destroying Zayn's piece shit computers. He threaten me and he deserves this." Harry said as he starts throwing the liquid of gas around the computers and in the room.

He grabs a lighter that was from the bag and looks at me slowly throwing the lighter into the gas.

Harry and I slowly left as soon as possible. We stepped out of the room walking back to the main office seeing nobody there. We looked confused and decided to make a run for a it. As soon as we stepped out of the room we heard the explosion go off. Harry and I made it on the hallway floor covering our heads. We slowly get up and exit to the hallway going through the exit door.

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