Ch. Six

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I hear my door break from my room as I grabbed something from my nightstand. This time a glass. The guy smirks as he shakes his head once again looking at me.

" That's it okay. It's over. " He said to me as I shook my head.

The guy turns his head away from me as I stood there.

" Now it is. " I said with a small smirk at the guy as we heard the front door open.

My eyes started to see a cop reached the last step of upstairs looking at me.

" FREEZE! " The cop said loudly as I ran to Harry who was about to shoot the cop. I throw my glass towards him. I stepped away as I watched Harry begin to fall slowly on the floor dropping the gun he had which was mine.

I breathe fast hearing my breathe hitched as I look at the cop who comes slowly to check on the guy unconscious. The cop checks his poss to see if he's alive as he lets out a loud relieve. He starts to grab the handcuffs and puts it on Harry.

Later That Night, I was outside with an ambulance blanket around me. The paramedic checks my blood pressure and the other paramedic cleans my blood I had on my forehead. I saw a car pull up slowly and saw that it was Katie and Melissa rushing out of the car trying to get through as they tell the cops that they're with me and that they're my friends. Katie and Melissa came a minutes later. Katie rushes to me as she sees that the paramedic cleaning my forehead.

" Hey you okay? " Melissa asked concerned as I nodded my head slowly while looking at Melissa.

Katie small smiles feeling bad. " I texted you many times. I tried to get here as soon as I could but I was stuck in
traffic. " Katie said as I sigh lowly while looking at them.

" It's okay, I'm fine." I said to Katie and Melissa as the paramedic finishes cleaning my forehead.

The cop put the guy in the police car. I looked away from Katie and Melissa who look away from me and watch the guy getting put in the cop car. I couldn't completely see his full face. He look like had a hangover from all the vases and glasses I threw at his head. I turned away from the cop and then back at Katie and Melissa who look back at me.

A detective then begins to show up out of nowhere.

" Excuse me can I please speak to Miss Emerson privately? " The Detective asked to Katie and Melissa nodding their heads and patted my back softy as they turn to walk away. " So how did this all happen? " The Detective asked looking at me.

I ended up explaining everything to the detective to how it all started and he wrote some things down on his notepad. He asked a couple questions as I told him all the things that the guy has done to me. I was devastated because I didn't want to talk about it but I had to tell him about what the guy did. The detective nods his head slowly while looking at me feeling bad.

" Okay last question, are you going to press charges against him? " The Detective asked holding his notepad after finishing taking notes looking at me.

" Yes I will press charges against him. " I said nodding my head slowly.

" Alright. Take care. " The Detective said before taking something from his wallet as I watched him do it and hands me his business card. " If you need anything, just call me. " He added as I nodded my head slowly and look back down at the name reading it Justin Holt.

I glance back at him and smile a bit while holding the business card. " Thank Detective Holt. " I said as he nods and starts to close his notepad and walks away from me.

I saw two cops get in the car that the guy was in. The cop car drove passed the ambulance that I was in. I couldn't look at the guy because he was giving that face saying I'll kill you when I get out. That's if he ever does.

Two Weeks Later.

From the last two weeks, I was in peace. I had been struggling recently on what happen at my old house. It was hard but thank god the guy is in jail for raping, kidnapping, and sending me threat messages. So this case will hopefully end for once and for all. Today I was meeting Katie for lunch. I got changed and did my hair. I left my house and made my way to meet Katie at Olive Garden.

Katie and I ended up moving somewhere safer like a hometown community. I didn't want her to but she wanted too. I finally go to Olive Garden, I got out of my car and walk to the front door. I go to see Katie who sees saw me. She waves her hand at me as I make my way to her and sit down at the table.

" Hey Kat. " I said with a soft, warm, and tired smile.

" Hey how are you feeling? I was worried about you last night that I wanted to come home from work. " Katie said taking a sip of her sprite.

" Don't worry, I'm doing okay and better. I can't even worry anymore from all that disaster of two weeks ago. Why worried again? " I said looking at Katie with tired smile as she nods her head slowly and resting her elbows on the table.

Katie keeps looking at me as she excepts it. " I know but still. You're my best friend. I'm always going to worry. " She said while looking as I sigh and I gently rub my forehead. " Okay changing the subject to make you feel better, there was trauma at the hospital today, like this guy was rushed to E.R with a tree branch through his stomach. And I was shocked! I even took a picture of i- " Katie stop talking as I was feeling a little dizzy.

While Katie was talking, I tried to hold my vision to focus and concentrate on Katie telling me about her day at the hospital. Katie makes a concerned look on her face. " Hey are you okay? " She asked looking at me as I gently began to rub my head and to stand up from sitting down.

" Yeah, yeah. I just feel dizzy. I should stand up and go to the bathroom to wash my face to help wake me u- " I said beginning to walk as Katie nods her head and as I began to walk falling on the floor.

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