Ch. Eleven

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I heard a doorbell from the front door. I know that it's Dannie. I got up from my couch after watching TV to open the front door. I unlocked the door and saw Dannie standing outside as I smiled softy and open the door a bit wider to welcome her inside. I closed the door behind her and turn to look at her. I walked to the living and folded my blanket as Dannie makes her way to the living room to take a seat.

" Andy we need to talk. It's about Harry's lawyer. " Dannie said with a concerned look on her face as I look at her.

I slowly shook my head a bit and shrug my shoulders. " What is it? " I said as I slowly sit across from Dannie who folds her hands together looking at me.

" I was at the judge's office with Harry's lawyer and the judge. We were discussing about the court date for Harry's first trial. I know you're not ready for this and I know you're pregnant. But I've talked and told them that we should hold off on the court date once you have your baby. -Andy they want you to take testified everything that Harry did to you." Dannie said looking at me as I stood there looking at her and slowly look down at my hands.

" The judge and Harry's lawyer want me to testified? " I asked looking at Dannie again as she watches and slowly nods her head gently.

" Yeah. " Dannie said speaking softy as I play with my fingers.

I thought about what Dannie said as I sit there and cover my mouth moving my hand to burry my face in my hand letting tears fall down from my eyes sobbing and look away from my hands to turn my glance back at Dannie.

 " I wish this never happen to me. I am so disappointed. So much in pain that I'm going through this. I mean. God. It's too much for me. And I'm carrying his baby inside my body. He ruined my life Dannie. " I said looking at her with red puffy eyes as Dannie keeps looking at me understanding how much pain I'm in.

Dannie stands up and walks over to sit beside me and carefully places her hand on my back to rub it and relax me. " I know this is hard for you. I know. -But just know that you're going to be okay. You'll get through this. " She said looking at me.

I stood there listening to her to take a breathe slowly and tiling my head to the side thinking what other options I have when I don't have any other options then to take the judge and Harry's lawyer deal.

I slowly look at Dannie for a moment. " Is there another option? The cops have the evidence that he broke into my home. I send the threat messages to Detective Holt. He has everything he needs. " I said looking at Dannie.

Dannie nods her head a bit. " I know because Detective Holt and I had a meeting and he showed me the information I needed to keep. And this was before I made my way to the judge's office to speak with the judge and Harry's lawyer. They still want you to testified so the judge and the jury can decide what is the best option for Harry. Most importantly you Andy. -Testified and that is the ending for you and a better start for not only you but for your baby. " Dannie said looking back me.

" -Am I the first victim? " I asked Dannie looking at her.

Dannie keeps looking at me and slowly nods her head. " You are Andy. I looked through every information I could find from Harry. He hasn't been charged with raped, stalking, and threats. Just home invasion in London. -You're his first victim so far. " I listen to her while folding my hands together.

" Okay, I'll testified. " I said as Dannie small smiles and gently continues to comfort me.

" You'll be okay. But we have to practice because Harry's lawyer is tough and sneaky. " Dannie said looking at me as I nod my head.

I Made Myself Tea once Dannie had left. Dannie told me that of course Harry's first trial will be on hold for the moment after I give birth to his baby.  I pour myself tea in my mug and as soon as I put down the tea pan, my phone began to ring from the bar. I felt tired through this day and all I can think about that the moment was get through this dark path I'm in and move on with my life and the baby. I grabbed my phone and answer it.

" Hello. " I said on the phone and placing my phone on my shoulder.

" Andrea, it's Greg. " Greg said on the phone.

My expression changed as I felt glad that Greg called me since we haven't gotten the chance to speak after Melissa, Katie and I graduated from college.

" Oh hey! How are you? " I asked Greg standing near my bar.

" Hey! Longtime no seen. I miss you love. I'm good and you? " Greg said as I stood there looking at my feet.

" I wish I could say great but sadly it's not true. Not so good. " I said to Greg.

" What happen? Do you want to talk about it? " Greg asked concerned.

I wish I lied to Greg so I wouldn't have to explain to him what's going on me. Melissa, Katie, and Dannie know what state I am in. But since Greg went back to Ireland, I had to deal with this kinda on my own.

" If you want to know? " I asked Greg.

" I do. -I'm in town by the way, how about I come over to you house and you can tell me what's going with you. " Greg said to me on the phone.

I stand there quite thinking and decided to let Greg in the picture since he was gone for quite sometime now.

" That sounds great. " I said to him having a disappointed and strong look played on my face.

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