Ch. Sixteen

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Anne, Robin, and I sat down as I took a small sip of the glass of water and place the glass of water on the coffee table sitting up straight.

" How do you know Harry? " Anne asked looking at me with a warm smile.

I'm not going to lie to her so with every question she needs and wants to know is what I'm going to exactly give her along with the truth. 

" I don't know him personally very well. He invaded my home and raped me. -He also threaten me and threaten my friends. So that's how I know your son. " I said looking at Anne as her face changes all of a sudden.

Robin makes a disturbing look on his face. " I'm sorry did you say Harry raped and invaded your home? " He asked not understanding and believing the story.

I slowly nodded my head. " Yeah. He's in jail. We don't have the court date just yet because it's on hold at this moment. " I said informing Robin and Anne as Anne covers her mouth a bit disappointed.

" Why is the court date on hold? " Robin asked curiously while I look at him.

" Because I'm pregnant carrying Harry's child and after the child is born, they'll let me when the court date is so the court and judge are giving me and everyone else involved time. " I said as Anne's eyes light up in shocked.

" Did you say you're pregnant? " Anne asked as I look at her nodding my head. " How far along are you? " She asked looking at me.

I stood quiet for a second before speaking up. " I'm three weeks pregnant, about to be four weeks. " I said as Robin stays quiet and serious.

Anne's face softens. " You look so young. How old are you? " She asked while looking at me.

" I'm 20. " I said looking at Anne. " Look Mr. Robin and Mrs. Anne I'm not here for your money or anything of that. I'm just here because the real truth is that I want to know your son very well. You both raised him. And I wanted to know who he is. -His son or daughter is going to ask me about their dad and I want tell them who their father was like. " I added as Anne small smiles folding her arms together.

Robin's face softens all of a sudden. " I can't believe Harry did that. I've never seen that side of him. It's just hard to believe. " Robin said in shocked looking at me. 

Anne remains quiet not being able to take this all in. That moment got me thinking all of a sudden. What if my son or daughter become just like their dad? A rapist. I can't imagine how my life would be like to even think about it. Anne seems to be a good mother to raising Harry but I feel like she didn't raise him to be this awfully person. 

I just feel like maybe it's not him but I also don't want to be fooled either. " How long is he in jail for? " Anne asked concerned looking at me. 

I look at Anne. " I'm not sure how long they'll keep him. " I said not knowing a lot but just knowing information that Dannie had given me a few days ago. " -If you want, you can contact his lawyer. I don't have his number but my lawyer does. And from there on you can contact Harry's lawyer if you want. " I added looking at Anne and Robin. 

They stood quiet as Anne looks very disappointed while Robin comforts her. I gave Anne and Robin a moment to think things through a bit as I waited for an  answer. I felt my phone vibrate as I reached down to my purse grabbing my phone from my front pocket and seeing the contact. It's Katie. 

I excused myself from Robin and Anne walking to the kitchen to answer Katie's call. 

" Hey. " I said to Katie sounding relaxed. 

" Hey! How's London so far? " Katie asked to check and see how I'm doing. 

" It's great. Jake and I are working on a new project for the next coming up magazine. We should be rapping this up soon and have it all ready for this week. " I said lying to Katie as she seems to accept it. 

" Oh okay! Can't wait. -I gotta go, be careful and call me tomorrow. I have to get back to my shift. " Katie said sounding like a protective mother as I nodded my head bit. 

" Yeah I will and the same goes to you. " I said as Katie and I say our goodbyes and begin to hang up shortly. 

I locked my phone and walked to the living room seeing Anne and Robin finishing their small talk. Once Katie and I had a small talk, I send a text to Dannie about Harry's lawyer. I locked my phone to slowly sit down as Anne looks back at me. 

" -Have you guys thought about it? " I asked looking at Anne and Robin. 

Robin looks at Anne to make sure it's good as Anne looks back at me. " We would like to go and see him. But where is he? Where are they keeping him? " Anne asked. 

" I'm not sure where exactly they're keeping him. I'm from Porland and I'm currently living there as well. " I said as Robin nods his head slowly. 

Anne talks to Robin about going to Portland looking back at him as Robin agrees. I felt my phone vibrate in my hand as I glanced away from Anne and Robin letting them figure things out as I see Dannie's text with Harry's lawyer contact information. I grabbed my small notepad I always carry in handy with a pen attach to it and began writing the information for Anne and Robin. 

After writing down the information I needed, I teared the small piece of paper out of my small notepad and closed my notepad putting it away in my purse and lean in a bit putting down the piece of paper on the coffee table looking at both Robin and Anne as I send Dannie a quick text. 

" This is Harry's lawyer? " Anne asked making sure as I nod my head a bit. 

" Yes it is. " I said to assuring them that it's Harry lawyer contact information. 

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