Ch. Twelve

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Greg had arrived from Ireland. He's a very busy guy who travels and of course is a business man. Kinda like Christian Grey, a entrepreneur if I have my information right. I explain everything to Greg that happen in college and out of college. Greg and I both knew from the beginning it was a joke but now it's not a joke anymore. Greg would pull pranks on me and mess around. He didn't just mess around with me, he also meased with Katie and Melissa.

Greg looks at me seeing that I'm going through hell because I can't survive through this. I feel alone but Katie and Melissa had stood by my side since the break in mine and Katie's house.

" And this all started since college? " Greg asked to make sure he wouldn't make a mistake as I nodded my head slowly.

" Yeah. " I said to Greg as sits there and rubs his face.

" Who else knows besides me Andy? " Greg asked looking at me again.

" Katie, Melissa, and Dannie. -My nana as well. " I said looking at Greg.

Greg folds his hands together while looking at me. " Does the judge know you're pregnant? " I nodded my head at him.

" Yes. Dannie told the judge. The judge won't mentioned the baby because it's not important at this moment. But I don't know. I have this feeling that the judge will mention the baby either way. I know it'll happen. " I said to Greg.

" I hope the judge doesn't give Harry permission to see the baby. " Greg said sounding concerned and disappointed at the same time.

I breathe slowly while looking at him and stroking my tea. " I know it's upsetting. I know. I'm not happy either. -If it comes to a conclusion that the judge allows Harry to see the baby, I have to respect that. We have to respect that. " I said to Greg doesn't look or seem pleased with the idea about Harry seeing the baby one day.

I picture myself that one day when my son or daughter is born, he or she will ask about their father. I can't tell them that their father sexuality assault and rape me. It just won't happen. I'm not ready for the truth because they will hate Harry for that. Sometimes people can change but my guts tell me that maybe Harry won't change.

On Wednesday which is today, Greg decided to stay at my house a bit to keep me safe with no harm. He treats me like a sister and I treat him like a brother. We've had the close relationship bond when we were in high school. Greg changed the subject and we needed up watch a movie together to relax me and the baby. I just can't stress about anything right now because it's too much pressure. I heard the front door begin to unlock.

Greg and I turned to see Katie coming inside with a box of pizza. I turned on the lights and smile at her.

" Hey! " I said to Katie after she closed the front door and locking it behind her as she makes her way to the living room with the pizza box, carefully putting it down.

" Hi. And I can't believe you're here. " Katie said to me and then to Greg having a bit of a starstruck moment.

Greg smiles at Katie as he stands up from the couch to give Katie a friendly hug. I smiled watching them give each other a hug knowing deep down that Katie mentioned to me in college that she has a crush on Greg. Greg later mentioned to me that he also had a thing for Katie but neither of them confess a thing to each other.

" How are you? " Greg asked pulling away from Katie as she grins looking at him.

" I'm good. Doing and living my dream. " Katie said as Greg smiles more while looking at Katie.

" That's good. So am I. " Greg said as I slowly decided to stand up.

" I'll be back. I'll get the plates and stuff from the kitchen. You two should catch up. " I smiled at them walking carefully to the kitchen as Katie nodded her head at me.

Greg and Katie began to talk again while I grabbed the plates, cups, and napkins. I was about to head to back to the living room when I heard my phone vibrate not to loud. I put down the things and grabbed my phone from the counter to check who emailed or messaged me. I light up my phone to see and saw a message from Jake.

[Jake]: Hey are you all set for tomorrow?

I stood there standing while hearing a giggle and a chuckle from Greg and Katie.

[Andrea]: I'll pack tonight. How about you?

I pressed send and put down my phone as I grabbed the plates and stuff heading to the living room putting on a fake smile as I told Katie and Greg I'll get the drinks while Katie and Greg continued their conversation. I looked at my phone and saw a text from Jake again.

[Jake]: Yeah. I just finished packing so the car service well get you around @6:30pm. 

[Andrea]: Okay sounds good, I'll see you tomorrow tonight.

I locked my phone leaving it at the bar as I headed back to the living room to catch up with Katie and Greg after getting the drinks.

I Was In My Closet thinking of what to wear when I heard a knock from my room. I heard my door open hearing my name from Katie's voice. I hear footsteps as Katie walks inside my walk-in closet and leans her arms on the drawers watching and looking at me as I continue to figure out what to wear for tomorrow. I know it's going to be cold over in London so I would have to wear something cozy.

" Hey. " Katie said as I turned to look at her.

" Hey, what's up? " I asked Katie as she watches me curiously.

" What are you doing? " Katie asked as I grab a bag I don't use to take the clothes that won't fit me when I have the baby.

" I'm organizing my closet. Why? " Katie nods her head understanding.

" Do you need help? I can help you. " Katie said as I shake my head slowly.

" No it's fine. I just have to pack because I'm going to see my nana in London. " I said grabbing the black short dress and tossing it in the back once I fold it.

Katie comes over to me and fixes the Victoria Secret bag and holds it. " Alone?" Katie asked concerned as I shake my head slowly.

" No. I'm going with Jake. So he's going to keep me company. He wants to do a report there about the fashion and pop culture for our upcoming magazine. " I kinda lied to Katie because I didn't want her to feel worried about me.

But I didn't tell her about Jake coming with me to London with the whole investigation about Harry. I trust him completely and he has been nothing but supportive.

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