Ch. Twenty-Four

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I Was Home feeling relaxed. I had finally had my baby after nine months of carrying the little munchkin inside of me. I gave birth to a baby girl name Haddie Marie Styles. Anne wanted Haddie to have her dad's last name. I didn't like the idea but she's not my only half. She's Harry's daughter. So I have to deal with the fact that Harry is her dad. Haddie is now two months old. She was born on March 20 at Portland's hospital.

I was home relaxing for a couple of days because Joanne my boss wanted me to end the trial. I smiled at Haddie seeing her sound asleep on her baby bouncer chair that Jake gave me on my baby shower. It has been two months with the whole trial going on. Detective Holt still couldn't find anymore evidence.

I heard my doorbell as I began to stand up and walk over to the front door and see who it is.

It was Dannie. I opened the door letting Dannie in. Katie had just went to work for a night shift at the hospital. I smiled a bit and shut the door closed locking it.

" Hey. " I said as Dannie smiles warmly at me to give a hug and I returned the hug.

" Hey, how are you feeling? " Dannie asked looking at me once we pulled away from the hug.

" A bit better. -Do you want something eat or drink? " I asked looking back at Dannie.

Dannie small smiles understanding and looks around the house seeing some small toys of Haddie and spotting her sleeping on the baby bouncer chair. " Yeah water is fine thank you. " Dannie said as I make to my way to the kitchen to get Dannie a glass of water.

" She is so cute. Awe. I haven't gotten a chance to carry her. " Dannie said a bit sad seeing Haddie sleeping on the baby bouncer chair.

I began to chuckle softy and come back with a glass of water. " Oh you will. She sleeps at night and wakes me up in the morning. " I said with a warm smile giving Dannie the glass of water.

" Thank you. " Dannie said as she takes a seat the table.

I got myself a glass of water and sat across from Dannie. " So what's going on Dan? " I asked looking at Dannie.

Dannie sighs and gets her folder out of her bag to open it up. " I know it's been hard for you. -Detective Holt still kept on searching and searching around Harry's house. And nothing. No evidence. Nothing. So the case might drop. If we don't have enough evidence to sent Harry to jail or prison, he can plead not guilty and won't serve jail time. Because like I said we don't have enough evidence that he was stalking you. " Dannie said to me as I stood there for a moment thinking.

" What if I told you I have evidence he was stalking me. " I said to Dannie as she has confusion in her eyes.

" What are you talking about Andrea? " Dannie asked while looking at me.

" I have the evidence you, Detective Holt, and the judge need. I have it all. I was saving it for the right moment. And now it's the right moment. -Harry is going to hell. " I said looking at Dannie as she realizes.

The Next Morning, I arrived at the police station where it all happen to meet Detective Holt and have talk with him. I was holding a big folder with every information I needed and that Detective Holt needed as well. I walked inside his office as I carefully slammed it on his desk. Detective Holt looks at me with a confusion as he looks at the folder in front of him. I looked at him and closed the door behind me walking over to him.

" -This is the crap you needed. You couldn't find shit at Harry's house because the evidence that you were looking for wasn't at his house. He had a complex apartment in London. I went last year with a friend to help me find and investigate in London. I interviewed his family and they didn't know what he was doing because apparently Harry went MIA on them. I know this is trespassing but not for me. " I said looking at Detective Holt shaking my head.

Detective Holt looks away for a second before glancing at the folder and begins to open the folder to look at evidence. " Miss Emerson you're right it is trespassing. -But you did the right thing." Detective Holt said not sounding disappointed.

" I don't give a shit if it's trespassing. At least I had the balls to do it. I did the right thing. You have the evidence. -Charge Harry, end the trail, and end the case. It's a win win for all of us. " I said to Detective Holt who looks at me and leans against the chair staring at me as I stood there with a serious look on my face.

" Okay. -This is the plan. " Detective Holt said as I stood there to listen to him.

I Turned The Engine Off as I got out of the driver's side closing the door. Katie decided to babysit Haddie while I did some errands. I open the trunk to grab some grocery bags out. I was holding my keys and began to unlock my front door. I sigh softy as I see Katie holding Haddie in her arms. Katie smiles seeing me arrive home as she points to Haddie that I'm home. Haddie looks up at the ceiling. She doesn't know just yet because she's barely two months.

" Hey guys. " I said to Katie as she smiles while holding Haddie.

" Hey, and guessed who missed you when you were gone. " Katie said moving her eyes to Haddie as I chuckle softy and quickly leaned to kiss her forehead.

" I know she did. " I said before going over to the kitchen and but the bags there.

I make my way back outside to grab mire grocery bags and hear my phone ring inside the car. I make my way to the passenger's side to grab my phone and look at contact. I frowned surprised seeing Anne's name pop up and decided to answer it.

" Hi Anne. " I said sweetly putting my phone on my shoulder and grabbed my purse to put it on my right shoulder walking back to the trunk.

" Hey Andrea! I'm in town and I was hoping we can meet up if you're not busy." Anne said as I grabbed the grocery bags from the car and walked inside carefully.

" Oh that's great and yeah we can meet up, where? " I asked Anne.

The Stalker {H.S}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant