Ch. Nine

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I cleaned around my house as I washed some dishes I had in the sink. I turn off the water from the sink and grabbed napkins to dry up my hands. I thought about the card that Detective Holt gave me on the day I had a home invasion kinda thing. If I want answers, I'm going to get answers. The complicated part is that my son or daughter will later in future would want to know about their father. I need to find a way to explain to them.

I grabbed the business card I had saved in my purse and stared down at the number. I hold my phone as I heard the line ringing. I started to pace back and fourth while waiting when someone finally answers.

" Hi may I speak to Detective Holt please?" I said to a woman who answer on the phone.

" Of course may I get your first and last name please? "  The woman asked on the phone.

" Yes it's Andrea Emerson. "  I said as I heard the sound of typing from the phone.

" Okay. He'll on just a minute. " The  woman said speaking to me as I nodded my head.

" Thank you. " I said waiting as I hear a sound of music playing waiting to speak to Detective Holt.

I look around the living as I glance at the TV seeing that I'm watching The Roommate. I make my way back to the living room and sit down as the music stops playing and the sound of a male's voice is on.

" Hello? "  Detective Holt answers on the phone.

" Detective Holt, hi this is Andrea Emerson speaking. I wanted to talk to you in person. Is that okay? " I asked him as I waited for his answer.

" Yeah sure. I just got here so come by. "  Detective Holt said as I agreed to go see him.

" Okay, I'll be there in a bit. "  I said before turning off the TV and making my way to the kitchen to grab my purse and keys.

" Sounds good. " The Detective said on the phone.

Soon after I hung up my phone and left my house locking it.

I WALKED INSIDE The police station as a cute and friendly cop open the door wide open for me. I thanked him and walked inside the police station. I glance around seeing how quite it is here and how safe it is as well. I put my shades on my head once I took them off and made my way to the front desk seeing a woman there in uniform as she was on the phone speaking with someone.

She hangs up the phone as she looks up at me with a warm smile. " Hi how can I help? " she asked as I stand there to answer her question.

" Hi, I'm here to see Detective Holt. " I said to her as she nods her head slowly.

" You must be Andrea Emerson right? " She asked making sure she knows she has the right person as I nodded my head.

" Yeah that's me. " I said as she nods again looking.

" He's in his office. You walk straight ahead, and turn right. You'll see his name on the door. Okay? " She said with a warm smile.

" Okay thank you. " I said returning the smile and leaving to go make my way to Detective Holt's office.

I hear the phones ringing and the cops answering emergency incoming calls. Then the sound of laughs and chatter going on as well. I continued to walk and ended up finding Detective Holt's office at the end of the hallway. I knocked on the door to him speak behind the door knowing I am able to come in. I turn the knob and open the door seeing Detective Holt fixing files.

I closed the door and make my way to stand in front of Detective Holt's desk.

" Miss Emerson. Nice to see you again. " Detective Holt said as I nod and we shook hands gently.

" Nice to see you too. " I said as we both sat down from across each other.

Detective Holt closes the file he had. And from the looks of it. It a case file and glances at me.

" What can I help you on? " He asked looking at me.

" I need information, lots of information about that night. It's about my stalker. I never knew his name and the causes and I wanted to know why he was there at my house that night. " I said to Detective Holt as he nods his head and rubs his chin to look at me.

" We had him in the interview room and he said he wouldn't answer our questions until he gets a lawyer. But to your question on who your stalker is. It's all there. " Detective Holt paused for a second and turns around to grab a file from behind and turns to look at me handling me a file of my stalker.

I nodded my head and slowly looking at him once he gave me the file of my stalker and I began to open the file.

" His name is Styles, Harry Styles. He's just turned twenty-two. He was arrested once but in England, London. He was charged for home invasion. Now he is charged for rape, kidnapped, threaten messages, and home invasion again. " Detective Holt said as I glance through Harry's file and looking at his mugshot.

The guy is handsome but why would he go after a girl like me? There is nothing special about me anyway.

" And he has a family in London as well." I said turning the page and glance up at Detective Holt who nods his head slowly.

I stood there quietly as I decided to fly to London on Thursday and come back on Sunday night which I'm guessing that day it'll be Sunday noon in Portland. But I'm not alone to London. I'll talk to Harry's family alone. They probably don't know anything about him. After my chat with Detective Holt, I booked an airplane for Thursday evening to head to London. 

I Drove Back Home and saw Katie's car here. I glance down at the time reading it's 4:00pm. I was basically out almost all day looking for information. I feel like Harry has something hidden in his apartment so I might have access to his apartment. Maybe his mother has spare key. I can't get it from Detective Holt because I'm not sure he knows where Harry lives.

The Stalker {H.S}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora