Ch. Thirty

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The court room becomes quiet once the whispers disappeared as Dannie looks at and smiles warmly at me. " Miss Emerson, when did you say Harry send that text at the time you were out with your friends? " Dannie asked looking at me.

I looked at her. " It was around nine. Barely nine o'clock. " I said to Dannie as she looks at Harry for a second as Harry looks at me and Dannie.

" What else happen that night? " Dannie asked as I looked at her and everyone speaking in the mic.

" We kept talking and I told him to leave me alone. And he threaten me onto doing something to one of my friends. So I didn't want him hurting them because I rather risk my life for them, then for them to get from someone like him. " I said looking at Dannie.

Dannie nods her head slowly. " So how did he know you were out with you friends?" Dannie asked curiously looking back at me.

I stood there while listening to her. " Because he told me he was in the same club I was in. I asked him how did he know I was here, and he said that he was in the club looking at me somewhere in there. And I asked him what was I wearing. He was very descriptive and he was right. I was wearing what he said I was wearing. " I said to Dannie looking at her.

I stood there hearing the chatter of whisper go in the court as the judge looks and listens to me. Dannie nods slowly. " So this young man here. " Dannie pauses and points to Harry for a second looking at me letting Dannie continued. " He was hiding from you. So he knew where you at the whole entire time. And he just wanted to play with you. -Can you tell me what else happen that night that you can remember? Like did he make you doing? " Dannie added asking me.

I licked my pink pump lips softy looking at Dannie. " He did. He bossed me around that night telling me to leave and meet him somewhere that was away from the club." I said while feeling the judge look and continues to listen to me.

" Where exactly did he wanted you to meet him? " Dannie asked as I folded my arms together.

" I kept walking because he didn't say where he wanted to meet me. So I was on my way to Starbucks. From that night I blacked out and woke up with a sore headache. " I said to Dannie remembering when Harry kidnapped me.

" Hmm. So Mr. Styles kidnapped you that same night. And woke up where? At his house or where exactly? " Dannie asked looking at me curiously.

" I woke up at my house. " I said to Dannie looking at her with a strong and devastated look on my face.

Dannie nods realizing that night is where and how it all started. " The information that Miss Emerson has said about Mr. Styles is true. She woke up and didn't exactly know where she was at and she realized when she woke up she was at her house. So Mr. Styles knew where she lived. And that night what else happen. " Dannie said to everyone in the courtroom including the judge and the jury listening to my statements and Dannie's.

Dannie then looks back at me once again. " Do you remember what else happen when you woke up that day? " Dannie asked looking at me.

I scrunched my nose a bit looking at Dannie. " I do and realized that I wasn't wearing the clothes I had on last night. I wasn't even wearing my pajamas either. I was naked. " I said embarrassed to Dannie and everyone in the court room speaking in the mic.

Dannie nods her head slowly as I looked down at my hands feeling ashamed of myself. " No further questions. " Dannie said as she went back to her spot to sit back down.

The judge then allows me to get off the stand and walk back to my seat next to Dannie. A few minutes later it was Harry's testimony. I stood there quietly as I heard a couple of coughs and clearing throats while I watched Harry say the oath on the bible and takes a sit where the stand is beside the judge. Harry's lawyer nods his head at Harry as Harry has a serious look on his face standing up walk towards to Harry.

Harry's lawyer clears his throat as he looks at Harry. " Where do we start. -Mr. Styles where were you when you knew Miss Emerson was in the club? " Harry's lawyer asked looking at Harry.

Harry looks at his lawyer. " I was outside the club at the time in my van. " Harry said to his lawyer as his lawyer stands to the side a bit.

" Why were you outside in your van from the club? " Harry's lawyer asked looking back at him.

" I wanted to see Miss Emerson. " Harry said as I kept looking at him who is looking honest.

" You wanted to see Miss Emerson for what? " Harry's lawyer asked Harry as he speaks in the mic.

" I wanted to wait for her but I didn't want to creepy her out." Harry said looking at his lawyer as the chatter begins to start again.

Harry sits up straight. " Did Miss Emerson but a restraining order against you?" Harry's lawyer asked looking at Harry once again.

Harry nods his head slowly. " She did, but it wasn't enough for her to stop me." Harry said as the whispers that I hear weren't perfectly clear to hear because my attention was on Harry I wanted to hear everything he is saying in court.

" Why wasn't it enough for you? " Harry's lawyer asked Harry once the chatter faded away.

" I wanted to protected her. But I realized she didn't know me and I regret everything now. " Harry said looking at his lawyer as the judge listens to Harry's statements.

" Everything you did to Miss Emerson was for attention? " Harry's lawyer asked looking at me for a second as I looked at him and then back at Harry.

" Correct. " Harry said on the mic as I looked down at my hands feeling manipulated by Harry and I'm not sure why I felt that way but I did but at the same time I was relieved he wasn't lying at least.

He was being honest. Everything he said was the truth and that's when his lawyer stopped asking Harry question because there wasn't enough to ask him.

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