t w e n t y - f i v e

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this fic is basically a meme and a cluster fuck altogether

but hey,

that's pretty good


author's pov

"he looks so cute while he's sleeping," taehyung whispered as he watched the black-haired man snoring on his sofa.

"this is basically kidnap," hoseok, who was leaning on the wall not too far from the two, with his arms crossed, shook his head in disappointment.

"it is not if he ain't a kid," namjoon stated with a calm expression on his face as if he's actually serious about thinking this is a good idea.

"you know jin will kill us if he finds out we kidnapped someone, right?"

"as i said," namjoon sighed in exasperation. "he's not a kid!" he said a little bit louder than he intended to, waking the sleeping beauty.

"mom, why the fuck are you being so loud?" the man groaned, but still refused to open his eyes. grabbing one of the pillows on taehyung's sofa, he covered his face with it and tried to sleep yet again.

"aw, he just said 'mom'," taehyung cooed all by himself while the other two judged him in silence.

"he's so cute!" taehyung continued even though namjoon already elbowed him, indicating for him to stay silent.

"you brought him here, hyung. are we supposed to just watch him sleep all day?" hoseok narrowed his eyes at the elder who glared at him in return.

"you're such a party pooper today!" namjoon whined.

"sorry, but watching yoongi sleep isn't my definition of a 'party'," hoseok shrugged.

"mom, i swear to fucking gㅡ" yoongi sat up and opened his eyes all of a sudden, startling the two who was sitting on the floor next to him. hoseok,  on the other hand, expected this to happen.

they waited for him to speak, to yell for help or at least hit them with something, but yoongi did nothing as he stared at taehyung with an expression none of the three could decipher.

"am i having this dream again?"


i just wrote three chapters in an hour

pls help me

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