Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Slamming the door of my Mercedes closed I turned to the motorcycle that has been stealing my spot in the parking for nearly eight months now, not only did the asshole who owned this death machine keep stealing my spot but he parked vertically taking two parking spots. Forced to park in the back I stomped towards the door glaring at the silver bike with hatred, it wasn't officially my parking spot but until now no one dared to take it because that meant a much dreaded confrontation from me and although I spoke to no one in the building regularly they knew not to mess with the lonely, bitter girl on the tenth floor. I had a childish urge to kick the scrap of metal but resisted as I stepped into the elevator.

The soft music played above me, a smooth tempo with no words that was meant to relax the tenants and relax it did. Slumping against the back wall I closed my eyes enjoying the classical tune as the stress of today melted away, when I get upstairs I'm going to soak in a soapy lavender bath till my skin is pruned. Inwardly smiling I snapped my eyes open as I thought of what I'd do after my bath, perhaps I could run across the hall and ask a certain neighbor to keep me company. Chuckling softly under my breath I should have felt embarrassed about wanting to spend the evening with Wes but in truth I felt nothing but anticipation, Wes despite his idiotic moments was actually good company. He spoke his thoughts openly, never coming off as fake as many usually do, his humor -although can be extremely irritating- is a wonderful change from the dreary life I've come accustomed to, and his physical beauty added to the list. There is also his talented mouth and his skillful hands, I thought blushing at the memory of this afternoon.

The small ding of the elevator distracted my thoughts from wandering further on Wes and how he sets my body aflame in seconds with just a touch, stepping out into the burgundy rug the clack of my heels were muted by the expensive rug beneath my feet. Readjusting my bag I felt a swarm of butterflies settling in the pit of my stomach as I thought of spending anymore time with my handsome neighbor, this could be considered a date. Wes said we needed to know each other better by going on dates, although I gave him no prior warning I'm sure he won't mind. Turning the corner towards my apartment I couldn't help the grin that etched across my face as I searched for my keys, I hated to admit it but Wes was growing on me.

Keys in hand I started for my door when I noticed a woman knocking on the twin door opposite mine; the stranger was tall maybe a few inches taller than me, she had on a mid-thigh checkered cocktail dress on, the material clinging to her voluptuous breasts that made my size B's look like grapes. She smiled at me her full lips spreading over a set of straight, white teeth, the friendly action caused her soft blues eyes to shimmer adding to their depth, her short black hair was styled neatly just reaching her shoulders. A look I could never pull off, I thought as I gave the strange female one more rundown a scowl marring my expression. She looked about the same age as the other girls that Wes 'sees', young, shapely and beautiful enough that any woman nearby is dulling in comparison.

Maybe it's not what I think, I thought as she knocked on Wes's door again. Turning to my door I shoved my key into the lock and turned as his door creaked open, unable to resist my curiosity I glanced over my shoulder as the girl launched herself at Wes who chuckled in response. Her arms drew up to his neck as his circled her waist pulling her into a warm embrace.

"I've already told you yes." he laughed his voice cheerful

"This isn't for agreeing, this is because I barely see you lately." she replied before pulling back her eyes roaming over him, analyzing him in a black jeans with a plaid blue shirt that he had rolled up his sleeves halfway up his toned forearms. His jet black hair was a tamed tousled mess on his head as if he tried brushing it back then changed his mind midway. The stranger placed her hands on his chest and glanced up at Wes who still hadn't noticed me standing by eavesdropping "I know you said you couldn't do this anymore but it means a lot to me that you are."

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