[4] "cue the waterworks."

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ive never really talked about follower counts or thanked you guys for the milestones (y'know "thank you for 50 followers, thank you for 100 followers & thank you for 200" etc) but id like to say a hearty thank you for taking the time to follow me & get me to 1k!! that's freaking amazing,,

anyway, onwards with the story :-----)

jungkook focus
after two and a half days of non-stop driving, jungkook finally arrives at the address provided by namjoon. he spots the looming mansion before he even arrives; the white building visible in the dark of the night and the bright outside lights acting as beacons for jungkook.
he parks out of sight, switches off his headlights and studies the building from a fair distance.

there seemed to be a party tonight, an advantage for him, he decides as guests in swathes of silk and velvet enter the open entrance with their sleek cars, their faces holding up excited smiles to be invited to one of the kims a-list dinner parties.

tearing his eyes away from the scene, jungkook reaches under the passenger seat, grabbing his black backpack and yanking it out from underneath. he quickly looks over the contents of his disorganised bag; eyeing the gun equipment and extra bullets, his spare clothes and the couple of snack bars shoved into the side pockets.

his hand drifts over the handgun, it'd be a bad idea to actually shoot someone even with the silencer on - the place is so full of guests that id be caught in no time, for sure. he assesses the gun for a few seconds before taking it, but it could come in handy, he thinks, convincing himself.

he grabs a black suit jacket out of the contents and changes quickly in the car, careful not to whack his head against the car roof or sound the car horn as he gets dressed.
after he's suited up in a casual black suit, he exits the car with a smirk on his face and pins a fake white rose on to his breast pocket.

it's been a long fucking time but let's do this, jungkook, he tells himself, gripping the gun in his right hand and pausing for a second to adore the feel of his handgun.
god, it feels good doing this again, he thinks as he places his gun on the inside of his suit jacket, stalking towards the easily accessible entrance and slipping by with the rest of the guests, going completely unnoticed by the many security guards situated around the place.

this gonna be a piece of cake.

taehyung focus
after smiling so hard that his teeth and cheeks hurt, taehyung retires to his room for a quick break away from the too cheerful guests and the intoxicating taste of wine. he slips past jae's sight and walks away quickly, seeking only five minutes of peace alone.

as he walks across the hall, he sees a new set of guests arrive in the corner of his eyes. a tall man in a fitting black suit stands at the head of the cluster of guests, a small smirk prominently fixed on to his face as he looks around the carefully decorated hall. his eyes latch on taehyung when he catches him staring at him, eyebrows quirking up.
taehyung's too tired to even recognise the man, so he completely disregards the stranger, and walks up the grand staircase with heavy feet.

his ignores the drapes of gold material on the walls and stairs, ignores the sweet scented red roses and doesn't bother appreciating the waiters rushing around the place with silver platters piled high with canapés or flutes of red wine or champagne.
in the eyes of middle class people, this would've been seen as a fairytale-like setting; they'd have expected a regal princess in a pink ballgown to swish down the stairs with a bright smile on her face.

it's far from a fairytale, the little voice in the back of taehyung's head quips, and taehyung brings his hands up to his forehead, sighing deeply.

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