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just a note : i talk about daegu + the korean countryside in this chapter, and id just like to say that i have never been to korea and have made up the descriptions of daegu + the countryside in this chapter.
just wanted to say that in case some readers who're korean / have been to daegu / who just know about korea disagree with my description of daegu :---))))

anyway hope you enjoy this long awaited chapter !

jungkook focus
as soon as he seats himself in his car, jungkook places his leather wallet in his back pocket and sighs, waiting for taehyung to slip into his seat whilst trying to ignore the niggling desire to go back outside and grab the charred photo.

it felt good for a couple of seconds but now. . . jungkook thinks as he looks back out at to the road stretched ahead of him — the crumpled burnt photograph now fluttering across the road as the wind picks up.

no — no, you don't regret it.

what did that wannabe ceo say again? that im not over her? i am definitely over her, jungkook persuades himself mentally as taehyung enters the car, shivering slightly due to the march winds. he clears his throat and banishes any thought of haneul from his head and turns his attention to his kidnappee.

why'd he "help" me though? he thinks for second as taehyung buckles himself into his seat. jungkook starts up the car once he's finished, glancing at taehyung who sits there, expectant. well whatever.

taehyung focus
after a few seconds of silence, jungkook starts up the car, expertly but distractedly moving the gearstick and pulling off of the side of the road, driving past the lined up evergreen trees and down the black tarmac road.

jungkook lifts his head.

taehyung, sitting in the passenger seat, coughs to cover up his stomach's sudden and incessant loud gurgles whilst simultaneously turning an embarrassing shade of red. he flattens a hand over his stomach, as if to suppress the echoing groans, hoping his kidnapper would ignore the low rumbles and not comment on it.

"burning a photo works up quite the appetite, don't you think?" taehyung coughs sheepishly.

please buy me food, please buy me food, please buy me food, please buy me food, taehyung mentally chants, his stomach joining in with occasional growls as he eagerly waits for jungkook's response.

"have another brunch bar."

taehyung deflates. he removes his hand from his belly, "i helped you get over your ex, didn't i? don't you think i should get something back-"

"hey, i never asked for your help and your method only helped a little." jungkook voices out, briefly glancing at his hostage,

"i still think i should get something in return." taehyung huffs quietly under his breath.

jungkook looks over at him again with an eyebrow raised, "you're suddenly being very daring," he comments.

taehyung clears his throat.
he knows he's being daring, knows he probably should just keep his mouth shut and sit there but he can't help but want to look out at the window and marvel at the sights (i've never been on this particular road before -- ive never been to the countryside either, so surely it'd be okay to do a little discreet sightseeing?), can't help but chat with his kidnapper (he doesn't seem to be that bad) can't help but want to take advantage out of this situation (carpe diem, right? what's wrong with doing a little sightseeing and chatting? dad always said to take and enjoy every single advantage in life).

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