[10] tuna 'n' mayo sandwiches

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i hate mayonnaise lol

jungkook focus
jungkook moves away from the window to let taehyung ease back into the room via the window.

he walks over to the bed where a couple of sandwich boxes sit accompanied by a few bottles of water.
he inwardly sighs at the poorly made tuna and sweetcorn sandwiches but take one nevertheless. he much rather prefers a three course meal with a tall glass of wine right now but his body's too weary from the six hours of driving and dealing with a crying taehyung, so he just settles on a simple meal.

"oof." he looks over his shoulder to see taehyung land on the carpet with a small thud, face wincing at the landing.

jungkook notes the dirt smeared on taehyung's clothes and the tear in his slacks, notes the brown mud smudged slightly on his cheekbone and the different directions his hair sticks up in (courtesy of the strong winds outside).
he needs new clothes, jungkook thinks.

wiping his hand on his thighs, taehyung walks over to the bed gingerly, eyeing the sandwiches hungrily. but he stops just a metre away from jungkook, watching him with narrowed suspecting eyes.

"go ahead and eat." jungkook simply says as he rips the card packaging off his sandwich and takes a bite.

he watches taehyung in the corner of his eye, move to sit on the edge of the bed and reach for the sandwich. he watches him read the label on the packaging and frown slowly, "i can't eat this. my dietician doesn't want me eating mayonnaise and gaining weight-"

(taehyung didn't really care for weight but apparently being a young ceo meant having a thin body and a handsome face, along with brains and money).

jungkook walks over to the leopard printed chair and sits down.
god, this chair is hideous, he mentally comments as he sits further back in his seat.

"i don't see a dietician here, do you?" he asks rhetorically, cocking his head at taehyung. "eat whatever you want." he says, shrugging and taking another bite of his sandwich.

taehyung bites his lip as he tears the packet carefully to reveal the white bread underneath. he takes it in his hands and examines the sandwich from side to side.
jungkook waits for him to say something, something like "this doesn't taste like a five star meal!" or "i want a five course dinner consisting of lobster, crab, and various other seafoods!"

he doesn't say anything. instead he slightly wrinkles his nose at the grey tuna and takes a bite of the sandwich, chewing slowly.

jungkook's mildly surprised.

"stop watching me eat. it's creepy."

jungkook clears his throat, "im not watching you eat."

"yes," taehyung says, swallowing a mouthful of his sandwich, "you are."

jungkook doesn't respond but he looks away, biting into his sandwich again and chewing at a steady pace, ignoring taehyung's accusation.

". . ."
the room's filled with soft rustles of packaging paper and quiet chewing, their voices muted. muted, until taehyung decides to ask a question.

"what's your name?"

". . ."

"you refer to me as mr kim right? don't you think i should know your surname at least? you know, just to address you."

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