[8] the 'love nest'

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taehyung focus
after what seems like forever, the man exits the motorway and enters a steep town that taehyung doesn't recognise.

he doesn't recognise the neighbourhood of stoners who smoke outside freely, no doubt contaminating the air with their thin cancer sticks. he doesn't know the young teens who strut down the street and head out to clubs, wearing tacky brands and flashy jewellery that shine under the dim streetlamps. he doesn't recognise the fluorescent neon lights advertising nights of fun sex or limitless karaoke.

he doesn't recognise any of this; all his life he was kept away from these types of streets and grew up learning how to eat meals with what length fork or how to address his elders politely. he's never witnessed this type of other life before.

he bites on his lip as he realises just how far away he was from home -- his home life of straightened backs and regal talk flies right out of the window and disappears in the cigarette smoke outside as the man drives further into this unknown town.

"where are we?" taehyung ventures out slowly.

"we're stopping for the night at a motel." the man ignores taehyung's question and takes a right, driving into a small parking lot.

purple neon lights capture taehyung's attention and he reads what's written on the side of a little crappy building; the love nest.

. . .

the love nest??


taehyung watches the man unbuckle his seat belt, rummaging around the underside of the passenger seat to grab a black backpack.

love nest? of all the motels, the one named 'love nest'?

taehyung clears his throat, "u-uh, the love nest?"

the man unzips his backpack and pulls a red cap out, placing the accessory over his dark hair and shielding half his face.
"what? oh -- relax, i dont intend to 'make love' with you." the man says, amused. zipping his backpack back up, he says "i just want sleep."

taehyung, still concerned, twiddles his thumbs impatiently, playing with the silver rings on his fingers as the man gets out of the car with his backpack and walks over to taehyung's door.

he yanks the door open.
"come on."


"hurry up and get out."

taehyung shuffles further away from the door, shaking his head adamantly at the man.

the man rolls his eyes, sighing.
"please, you're not my type; i don't go for spoiled bratty rich kids."

taehyung shoots an attempted glare at the man before slowly shuffling over to door, mind questioning if he should really go with this man.
but then again, he has no other person he knows in this town except this guy. jae wasn't here to protect him and neither was his hyung, the only closest person taehyung has right now was this suspiciously calm kidnapper.

taehyung feels his heart sink as he registers this fact.

"now," the man starts, oblivious to the way taehyung ducks his head and sniffles, "we're gonna go in - im gonna register us a room and once we have a room, we'll go to sleep. you can scream, cry for help or whatever but no one will give a shit since people are fucking high on pot or are too busy fucking each other." the yet-to-be-named guy explains casually, taking taehyung by the arm and tugging him to move.

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