Chapter 3 ~ Texting Buddies

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Jake's POV:

The school day ended and I got into my truck to drive home. As I was driving, I couldn't get Lindsey's cute face out of my mind. She looked like a chipmunk, but in a cute way, obviously.

Stop thinking about her, Jake. She's not even your real girlfriend.

Wait, why am I talking to myself in the first place?


I pulled into the driveway, and as I got out of the car, I heard my dog barking.

I opened the door, and my dog started running towards me. He jumped up on me and licked my face to say hello. I knelt down to his level.

"Hi Guppy!" I told my brown and black German Shepherd.

Although he was definitely wasn't the size of a guppy, the name still suited him, and I wouldn't have picked any other one.

I made my way into the kitchen where my mom was making dinner.

"Hey mom," I told her while setting my backpack down on the stool chair at the counter.

"Hi honey, how was school today?" she asked, genuinely interested.

"Good," I replied like any other teenager would say.

I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of apple juice.

Then I went and sat down at the stool chair, hanging my bag on the back of it.

"Whatcha cookin' mom?" I asked inquisitively.

"Beef stew," she replied. She knew beef stew was one of my favorites, so she made it often.

"Hey Jake, speaking of dinner, when are we going to invite Lindsey?" she asked excitedly.

Great, she had to bring Lindsey up.

"Um, I don't know mom, Lindsey is really busy and I don't know when she'll be available and.."

"Nonsense Jake" my mom said while cutting me off.

"Invite her over tomorrow. You guys can have dinner here and then go out for a movie or something. Oh, and you can invite her parents too. We can talk and get to know one another." my mom suggested.

"Yea, sure. I'll tell her tomorrow." I responded.

"No sweetie, that's too late notice. Just text her." mom answered.

I made a questionable face but didn't notice until my mom said, "Jake, you do have her number, right?"

"Yea mom," I replied, "I..I was just thinking if she isn't busy right now. You know, like studying for something big or anything. I'll text her right now."

I started to walk up the stairs, and hit my toe on the side of the island. "Sh.."

"uh, uh, uh, language!" my mom yelled at me.

"....itake mushrooms!" I finished.

She gave me a sympathetic smile as I walked up the stairs. She said she would call me when dinner was ready.

Lindsey's POV:

I was sitting on my bed, legs crossed, watching TV.

Surprisingly, I didn't have that much homework tonight, and had finished it as soon as I got home.

I was eating chicken noodle soup my mom had picked up for me.

She dropped it off at home and then went back out to run some errands.

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