Chapter 5

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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Iris' POV >

Iris slowly and carefully crept through the big, eerie forest. The threatening call of crows sounded not too far off. The swish of a bug's wings against the bushes made her heart lurch. She knew she wasn't supposed to be here, but she was curious. And I also want to escape that dumb party, she thought. She was happy to no longer be harassed by her mother's friends. She didn't want Satin and Chenille to design her clothes, she didn't want Biggie and Cooper fussing over her, she didn't want DJ Suki asking her if her music sounded good. She just did not want any of it.

Iris had a sudden flashback from earlier that day, something that brought a burst of sadness scorching across her chest. She halted, taking in the memory.

"Iris! What's wrong?" The sparkly red skin of her best friend in the whole world moved from her peripheral vision. She turned her head from where she had slumped down next to the dark, tangly forest. She had been debating on entering or not.

She didn't answer Titian but he dove down beside her, resting a hand on her shoulder. "Iris, please. Don't ignore me!" the glitter troll pleaded.

She shrugged him off, sighing. "I'm sorry, Titian. I need to be left alone for a while." She rose to her feet and her friend scrambled up beside her.

"Where are you going?" he called.

Iris didn't answer at first but then she halted, glancing over her shoulder and staring at him sadly. "The forest," she replied.

"B-but your father has forbidden entrance to that place! Don't panic everyone, Iris! Please!" Titian had tears flowing desperately from his dark green eyes, his teeth clenched hard together.

"I won't be gone long. Besides, they'll be too caught up in the party to notice my absence." She began walking towards the trees again, but Titian spoke once more, causing her to come to another stop.

"That's not true!" he called. "You're the Princess! Literally everyone will know you're missing!"

Iris stopped listening to him. His pleadings and calls did not affect her and she had no plans on changing her mind. The forest was calling to her, urging her onwards. She entered the thick greenery, hearing nothing but the angered, desperate shouts of her best friend fading out behind her.

The memory melted from Iris' brain. She opened her eyes that had squeezed shut in the process and glanced around at the thick canopy of intertwined tree branches overhead. She felt a pang of regret. Titian was right. She'd be in huge trouble when she got home. And the sun was setting. She was in real danger. She had never been out here before.

She knew her father would be livid when she returned—if she returned. I'll probably get swallowed up by something out here, she thought nervously. Her mother had told her stories of her adventures through here. How had she survived all that?

The rustling of movement in the underbrush made her halt, her heart skipping a few beats. Her muscles locked, keeping her in place. "H-hello," she risked to call out. She swallowed, realizing now just how dry her throat was. She was getting terribly thirsty and there didn't seem to be a source of water around. Another shuffling noise snapped her from her thoughts. Her eyes darted to and fro as she tried to pinpoint the maker of the sound. But she saw nothing. The sun was sinking lower behind the horizon, casting a dark orange glow over the land. Soon, she wouldn't be able to see a thing.

"Who's there?" she challenged, but her voice was weak and scared. She began trembling from panic, sweat trickling from her hair.

"Don't be frightened, poppet," came a sweet, accented voice. "I'm not going to hurt you."

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