14. harm

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The rest of the day consisted of Scott and Isaac pissing the twins off while Olivia and Riley stayed together the whole day. Stiles and Lydia were nowhere to be seen after school, and she was slightly worried for Stiles since he was a virgin. There was no denying it; of course he was a virgin. You could see it on his face. Olivia contemplated on helping Stiles with his 'problem', but she decided that she couldn't bare to see him that close to her.

"Maybe you should do it." Olivia suggested while they walked to Riley's car. Riley laughed at her suggestion and shook her head, as they both climbed inside her car. Well, it wasn't like she couldn't see it happening, but still, Stiles was one her closest friends; she'd rather not have to endure the awkwardness that would follow the art of having sex.

But then again, Riley couldn't think of someone better for Stiles to have for his first time. Lydia was snuggling up to Aiden, and Scott would actually slit Stiles' throat if he went for Allison. Olivia would probably rather die than doing the deed with him, so that left Riley. She wouldn't object, but she'd have to be pretty drunk to actually go through with it.

"Why would I want to have sex with Stiles? I still see him as the little twelve year old boy with the buzz-cut and the massive obsession with Lydia. I doubt I could go through with it." She joked, as they drove out of the school parking lot and onto the road. The music from the radio played loudly in the car as the two girls sung along to it, laughing at each other whenever their voices broke at the high notes or if they got the lyrics wrong. But sadly, all of that came to an end when Riley dropped Olivia off at her house. Before she got out, however, she turned to Riley and smirked deviously at her.

"I bet you that Stiles won't go for you." She challenged, and Riley rolled her eyes.

"Why would I want him to go for me?" She asked obviously, and Olivia smiled.

"Let's make a bet."

"Oh, God no."

"You have to be Stiles' first, and I will stop, as you say, 'slutting around'. At least for a month. I will be completely abstinent." Olivia offered, but that wasn't good enough for Riley.

"Why would I care if you're slutting around? How about you acting so stupid all the time and actually try in class? Also, you have to buy me coffee everyday for a month. I mean, everyday." Riley bargained, although this was all perfectly theoretical; she just wanted to see how far Olivia would go before cutting it off. Olivia frowned at her and acted like she was in shock as she put her hand on her chest.

"I don't act stupid, thank you very much; I'm just naturally like that. And coffee? Seriously? Do you know how bad that is for your teeth?" Olivia ranted, and Riley smiled at her and shrugged.

"Then no deal. Why do you want me to do this so badly?" She asked curiously. Olivia never cared about Stiles, so why would she want Riley to be his first?

"Come on, you haven't been laid in so long and I feel really bad for you. Plus, you're always running after Isaac and he never notices you, so maybe now's the time for him to finally do it."

"Excuse me?" Riley gaped, not believing her ears. Olivia of all people should know that nothing was going on between her and Isaac. Any assumption about it just made Riley laugh. "There's nothing going on-- How could you even suggest that? You're going to make me laugh, Liv."

"Oh, come on. Don't play dumb with me. Isaac is a total babe, and very bangable. Don't make me fuck him to prove a point." She warned, and Riley instantly hated her.

"Don't you dare put any of your parts on Isaac." She pointed threateningly, as her eyes narrowed down at the girl.

"See? Told you; you so want in. Come on, it'd be a really good thing to do for Stiles; do you really think that he's ever going to get laid in his life? You should give him hope that he will. Come on, be a team player, take one for the team." Olivia nagged, and Riley rolled her eyes.

"Shut up Olivia, go home." She chuckled. Olivia rolled her eyes and said goodbye, before getting out of her car and shutting the door.

She got home in ten minutes and went off to her room, Stiles still on her mind. Isaac was in the back of her head as well; was he a virgin? If he wasn't, he would have told her. Riley told him of her first time (she'd rather not talk about the awkwardness. To this day she still cringes when she thinks about it) so why wouldn't he tell her?

Thinking about having sex with Stiles kind of made her a little sick. Not too much though. Stiles was kind of like her relative; it wouldn't be right. Obviously, they weren't actually related, but it felt like it. She really hoped that the thought of being sexual with her hadn't crossed Stiles' mind.

But of course it did. Stiles thought about sex nearly as much as he thought about the murders going on in the town. He pictured having sex with Riley numerous times; hell, he's even thought about the possibility of him and Scott being close like that. Of course he wouldn't actually say it out loud since it was a bit weird to think about having sex with basically everyone, but still, he thought about a lot.

While Riley was unaware, Derek had thrown Isaac out onto the street with nowhere to go. Isaac thought about asking Riley, but he thought that she was mad at him because of the whole twin thing. He wasn't about to go running to her for forgiveness or whatever; she should believe him when he said he didn't do it. She did, but Isaac didn't know that. So, he opted to ask Scott if he could stay with him until he finds somewhere else to stay. He doubted that it would happen anytime soon, but he was grateful that he had nice enough friends to say yes to him when he needed them.

When it neared night time, Riley grew concerned. Isaac hadn't answered her texts, and neither did Scott. She was wondering what they were doing, or what Derek was doing. What if they were doing something that involved the Alpha Pack? What if they were going to attack? Riley couldn't handle it if Isaac got hurt. She had to make sure that he going to be okay. She texted him one more time, and called, but he didn't answer. The worry was multiplied by two as she realized that the shield was also slightly concerned. Emma had grown to tolerate Isaac, only because he meant so much to Riley. So the next thing that Riley did, Emma couldn't turn down.

"Emma, find Isaac. Please." Riley muttered in her newly purchased mirror. She stared at herself, trying to see any hint of silver in her eyes, but to no avail; nothing was seen. Emma was not coming out, but Riley was not giving up. "Emma, come out. Now."

Riley was on the verge of forcing Emma out. How? Well, she didn't know. The only thing she did know, was that Emma hated seeing Riley get hurt. Riley took this as her advantage. She closed her hand into a fist, and she concentrated her strength into her right hand as she raised it, ready to punch the glass and ultimately harm herself. As she was about to strike, her eyes glossed over a silver and Riley saw Emma's white silhouette clouding her.

"You really care for this wolf." She stated, but Riley did not lower her hand.

"Find him." She ordered. When nothing happened, Riley pushed all of her force into her hand and her fist flew to the glass, only it did not shatter. Her fist didn't even touch the mirror. Riley saw Emma's hand clasped around her own, essentially blocking her from harm. Riley had never seen her do that before. She let go when Riley lowered her hand, but she still did not do anything. "Find Isaac. Please."

And so she did.

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