50. control

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With Noshiko, Kira and Emma rallying together against the Nogitsune, it was a very dangerous war to be in the middle of. Riley still did not want to come out, afraid of the dangers and problems awaiting for her when she did. She had no time to heal; Emma was helping with that. Riley was still hurt from Isaac almost dying and with the whole Stiles thing; she wasn't ready. Emma respected that and was glad that she could go up against a Nogitsune. Riley knew that she couldn't let her do that; if Emma ran a spear through Stiles and killed the Nogitsune, she would kill Stiles as well. Emma oversaw Riley's love for him and even though his death would hurt her, the Nogitsune would hurt her far worse. Emma, too, had to make sacrifices for sake of protecting Riley. She wasn't there to make sure everyone else survived; the only thing she did was protect Riley and that was it.

"Is Riley okay with this?" Noshiko asked, as the three girls sat in her home. Kira sat uncomfortably, wondering if Emma had remembered her and Riley's argument a couple days earlier. "With you being here."

"Riley is aware and she is the one who is in charge. She chooses when she wants to come back out and when she does, I will do as she wants. I am merely here for protection. I will do anything to protect her." Emma explained, setting the cup down on the table as Kira admired her warrior's outfit. "The Nogitsune is in Eichen House and as you know, it is the most heavily guarded area in Beacon Hills. We must make him come out. We must make him believe that it is safe."

"Please, Nogitsune does not care for safety. If the host dies he will simply possess another."

"Stiles, mom. If Stiles dies." Kira interrupted, looking at her sadly. Noshiko nodded at her, turning her attention back to Emma.

"Right, if Stiles dies. We mustn't allow that, Emma. Riley wouldn't want that." Noshiko reminded, and Emma slightly scoffed.

"I must do what I have to to protect her, even if that means killing the boy to get to the Nogistune. I must think ahead for her." Emma replied, and felt Riley's protests inside. Riley didn't want that, and thought about the consequences if she stayed in there for too long. Someone was bound to get hurt, and if she didn't hurry up and muster the courage to help her friends soon, then Stiles would be in serious danger because of her.

No, you can't hurt Stiles. I don't care about that stupid spirit, you're not hurting Stiles.

"I only protect you, Riley. Not Stiles--"

No, you are not hurting Stiles.

"What did you say?" Kira asked suddenly, hearing Riley's name. Emma looked up at her, her eyes still glowing a bright silver, until they suddenly flickered from a dull brown back to the silver. "Riley?"

"Riley, I'm helping you, I need to get rid of the danger in order for you to live. To survive." Emma spoke, looking down at her lap. Her head twitched, as Riley made her shake her head.

Do not hurt Stiles. You hurt Stiles, you hurt me. Badly.

"Let her out." Kira said forcefully, standing up as her hands balled into fists at her side. Noshiko watched her daughter, putting a hand on her arm.

"Riley comes out when she wants to. I cannot force her." Emma repeated, and she stood up as well. "I sense tension. I will leave you two alone. Thank you for your time."

The girl got up and left, disappointed that there was no war.

"Riley, you do not understand. It is my duty to--"

Emma, you don't understand. Losing Stiles to me is like you losing your family, you losing me.

Flashes of her family crossed Riley's mind, forcing Emma to see them as well. She gripped onto her spear as tears welled up in her eyes.

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