Chapter 9

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Running in the dark and stumbling over dead branches was giving her deep fears of what was to come. Deva pushed back the damp leaves and forced herself forward into the unknown woods. She wasn't sure how long she had been running but it was getting harder and harder to breathe with each new intake.

Chills ran down her whole body when she heard the heavy footsteps heading full force towards her. Fear crept inside her every pore as sweat beads fell down her body.

She wanted to look back, but was afraid of what she would see. A loud hiss echoed throughout the dark eerie woods and somehow her legs locked, and she couldn't make herself move anymore. The footsteps behind her had also ceased but only to slowly circle around her.

The time felt endless before she raised her gaze to the stalker following her. His face was all too familiar since she had seen it on three different brothers. His eyes were jet black and clouded, but what struck her were the black veins seeping down the opening of his eyes. His face was solemn and hard as he took in her appearance. The way he was eyeing her body made her skin crawl because it wasn't a stare she was used to. The way he was taking her in was a look of hunger, a look a tiger would give his next meal.

She took a step back subconsciously, and his long lean legs moved forward the exact same time as if he knew she was going to move before she even did it. Her breath caught in her throat when he snared her way, baring his razor sharp teeth.

This was no longer the man she was accustomed to. He was not the man she would sit around with and talk aimlessly about their interests. No. This was no man at all. He was a monstrous creature who had her under a trance as he moved closer and closer.

"Please," she whispered but the wicked smirk that played on his face was only taunting her further.

Before she could make a run for it, he snuck up and pulled her to his ice cold body. He engulfed her tightly so she couldn't move or think about escaping.

She wanted to fight, but as soon as she felt his sharp teeth pierce her delicate flesh she was paralyzed. His large hands grasped her soft fragile neck, pulling her closer so he could have better access. The pain was excruciatingly flowing down her throbbing neck and down her body. When she thought she couldn't take anymore, she jolted awake.

Deva grasped the sheets of the bed in fists as sweat dripped down every inch of her face. Like a reflex, her hand flew to her neck on the right side where she thought she would find some kind of evidence. Nothing was left on her neck, not even a scratch.

"It was just a dream," she whispered exhausted from the fear.

"What was?" Lacey asked from across the room.

The sound of Lacey's voice made Deva jump a little, but she quickly covered it up. "Nothing."

Lacey shrugged her shoulders and went to the bathroom. At the sound of the door being shut, Deva got up and went to the breakfast table. Maybe a cup of coffee will help the jitters go away.

The sip of strong bitter black coffee certainly helped Deva's sleepy eyes stay open. The loud bang of the door opening drew Deva's attention to Julia's concerned face.

"Morning Juls."

"Deva," she rushed over to the table and took a seat across from her best friend. "Where were you yesterday?"

"Oh, yeah. I was with Izzy, the princes' little sister. She's really cool. I had a lot of fun."

Julia made an 'O' with her mouth and leaned back with a sheepish expression. "Getting good with the sister?"

Deva shook off the speculation. "It's not like that. I'm going home." She didn't want Julia to think she was falling in love or anything.

"What did you think about the parents?" Julia asked curiously.

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