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It was about 12 when we all woke up. We all went downstairs Sarah and Alex were hand in hand. We all ate some cereal.
Justin: Kaylei Leah is coming over in 10.
Me: Do you think I care with I look like when your girlfriend comes over?
Justin: No but will you watch Aubrey and Parker so I can get ready it's 1 any way.
Me: Yep.
Aubrey came up to me and pulled on my baggy hoodie.
Me: Yes Aubrey.
I crouched down to Aubrey's level.
Aubrey: Will you pick me up?
Me: Of course.
I picked her up.
Me: This is Austin.(I pointed to him.) This is Alex.(I pointed to him.) This is Sarah.
Aubrey: I know Sarah silly.
Me: Aubrey your such a cutie.
Aubrey: Down I wanna play.
Me: Ok ok.
I put her down.
Austin: I gotta go guys see ya later.
Me: Bye.
Sarah: See ya.
Alex: See ya man.
Austin left and so did Alex. I made Aubrey and Parker dinner. They ate at 7. Justin came downstairs and Leah followed him.
Justin: I'm so nervous.
Leah: Why?
Justin walked out to the kitchen.
Justin: Kaylei fix my tie please.
Me: Come here.
I fixed Justin's tie.
Justin: Thanks
Justin and Leah left and Aubrey and Parker were done eating at 8.
Me: Ok Parker got to your room and get your pajamas on please.
Parker: No!!! I don't want to.
Me: Parker I'm not in the mood to fight. Go now!!
Parker: NO!!
I picked Parker up and carried him upstairs. I put Parker in his room.
Me: Don't come out until you put you pajamas on.
I shut his door and went down stairs.
Me: Aubrey lets get your pajamas on.
Aubrey: Ok.
Aubrey climbed the stairs and I follows her. She got her pajamas on and she went back downstairs while I went to talk to Parker. When I went in his room he was in bed sleeping and he had on his pajamas. I covered him up and turned the light off. I want downstairs and Austin was there sitting on the couch and Aubrey was sitting on his lap sleeping.
Me: Aww Austin I'm so sorry.
Austin: It's fine I don't care.
I picked Aubrey up and took her upstairs and put her in her bed and covered her up.

Justin and Leah came in at 10 and my dad and step mother at 11:30. Austin went home at 10 and so had Sarah. I was in my room looking at baby stuff on my laptop.
Justin: Hey what are you doing. (He sat in my computer chair I was on my bed and Leah sat on his lap.)
Me: Nothing just looking at some stuff.
Justin: Oh. Do I know what kinda stuff?
Me: Yeah.
Justin: Ohhhhh that stuff.
Me: Yeah but I'm going to bed I'm so tired and I have a big day tomorrow I'm going to tell Sarah and I'm talking to Troy about some stuff.
Justin: Ok night night.
Justin left and I went to bed. Nobody but my family know about me being pregnant.

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