Day 2

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It's 8A.M. I have to call Landon's doctors.
 Nurse: Doctor Little's office Maddy speaking How may I help you?
 Me: Hi umm my son comes to your office.
 Maddy: Can I get your son's name please?  Me: Yep it's Landon Mahone.
 Maddy: Ok. Do you need an apponitment?
 Me: Yes.
 Maddy: We can fit you in at 11:45 this morning is that ok?
 Me: That's perfect. Thank you.
 Maddy: Your walcome.
 I hung up. Landon is sleeping on the couch right now.
 Makyla: Hey bitch.
 Me: Hey hoe.
 Makyla: Did you get him an appoinment for today?
 Me: Yeah. At 11:45 this morning. So where's Derrick?
 Makyla: Sleeping.
 Me: Oh well I'm going to go get in the shower.
 Makyla: Mmm k.
 I got up and went upstairs. I got in the shower. I was almost done when I heard my phone ringing. My ringtone is Austin singing "Let Me Love You". I just let it ring. When I got out I checked my phone it was Austin. I called him back.
 Austin: Hello.
 Me: Hey.
 Austin: Oh hi.
 Me: Hi.
 Austin: What are you doing?
 Me: Going crazy. What about you?
 I put him on speaker.
 Austin: Getting ready for my big meeting with my new manager, the recording lable and a bunch of other important people.
 Me: Oh fun. I'm actually getting ready to take Landon to the doctors at 11:45.
 Austin: Oh I really wish I could be there with you. I'm sorry.
 Me: Babe your fine. Don't stress it. I've got this hole thing under controle.
 Austin: Ok. I trust you.
 Me: I gotta go I have to do my hair and makeup. Then change Landon's pajamas.
 Austin: Ok. I love you and call me after the doctors and tell me how it went. Ok?
 Me: Mmm k love you too.
 I hung up and went to the bathroom to do my hair and make up. When I went downstairs with my pure, phone and Landon's pajamas in hand it was 11. I went to the couch and Landon was awake still laying down, I rubbed his back.  
Me: Come here buddy. 
I picked him up.

Me: We gotta put some new pajamas on ok.
I laid him on the couch and changed him. I went to throw away his dipper and get him a bottle. When I came back he was on his tommey sleeping.

Makyla: Umm it's 11:20 just to tell you.

Me: Crap I gotta go.

I picked up Landon and put him in his seat with his monster blanket. I grabbed the dipper bag and went out the door. When I get to the doctors it was 11:45. I got into the doctors as fast as I could. I went to the front desk.

Maddy: Hi. How my I help you?

Me: My son has an 11:45 appoinment with doctor Little.

Maddy: Your son's name please?

Me: Landon Mahone.

Maddy: I'll let doctor little know your here. Just have a seat.

I carried Landon's seat over to the seating aera.

Maddy: He's ready for you. Room three.

I grabbed Landon's seat and went to the room.

Dr.Little: So what's going on with Landon today?

Me: He got really sick last night. He couldn't really keep anything down.

Dr.Little: It's just a bug it will go away by next week. Ok?

Me: Thank you.

I left. Landon woke up when I was walking out. I went to my car. I called Austin but it went stright to his voice mail. I started for home. I stopped at McDonald's for some lunch. When I got home it was 1. I went in the house and to the living room. I got Landon out of his seat and I was holding him.

Makyla: How did it go?

Me: Good he just has a little bug that's going around.

Makyla: That's good. You call Austin?

Me: Yeah but he didn't answer. But I think he's at his big meeting becuase that was today.

Makyla: Oh. Aww he's so cute.

I looked down and Landon was sleeping again.

Me: I think I'm gonna take a nap with him for a littlle bit.

Makyla: Ok. Oh Derrick and I are gonna take a walk to the park.

Me: Ok.

I laid down and put Landon on my chest. I took a picture of us in black and white. I put it on Instgram.

Me(caption): Gonna take a nap with my little man.

I locked my phone and put it on the coffee table. I fell asleep at about 1:30.



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