1st Birthday

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It's 8A.M every one is sleeping and I'm up decorating and setting everything up. The cake that I ordered is hug because there is a ton of people coming to the party. I have so much to do. I still have to set up a bunch of tables out side and chairs. The party starts at 2 and the tables and chairs that I ordered should be here at 10. The cake is being delivered at 10:30.

Austin: Need any help.

I jumped and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

Me: Umm right at the moment no but at 1 I need you to go get my mom and grandparents at the hotel.

Austin: Ok.

Me: Well you could go pick get Landon's basketball shorts, Jordan jersey, socks and Jordan's out. So that when he wakes up you can give him a bath then get him dressed.

Austin: K.

He went up stairs and I went out side to the backyard and tried to figure out where I wanted every thing. I figured it out then went back inside.

Makyla: Good morning. Need any help?

Me:  Yeah.

The guys with the tables and chairs were there at 10. They put the tables and chairs in the back yard. Me and Makyla set up the cake table because the cake will be here at about 10:30. We put a table cloth on the cake table and the Happy 1st Birthday banner on the table. I went inside to get a bottle of water when someone rang the door bell. I went and got the door.

Samatha(cake lady): Hi where would you like the cake?

Me: Umm out back. I'll unlock the gate so you can just go through there.

Samatha: Ok.

I went out the front door and to the gate. I unlocked it and told Samatha that every thing was all set up for her. I went to the back yard. Me and Makyla finished setting up the tables.

Austin: Go get mommy Landon.

I turned around. Landon was all dressed. He was walking holding Austin's hand. Austin let go of Landon's hand and Landon ran to me. I picked him up.

Me: Happy Birthday buddy!

Makyla: It's the birthday boy. Happy Birthday Landon.

Samatha: The cake is all put in place and every thing. We are gonna leave a cake cutter with you. You can keep it.

Me: Ok thank you so much.

Samatha: Your welcome have fun.

She left and we finaly had every thing se up by 12.

Me: Austin I'm gonna call my mom and tell her you'll be there at about 12:30 1. So I need you to leave now.

Austin: Ok you want me to take Landon so you can get ready?

Me: No I'll have Makyla watch him while I take a shower then I'll just keep him in my room while I get ready. We'll be fine.

Austin: Ok. Love you.

Me: Love you too

Austin came up to me and gave me a kiss then left. I called my mom.

Mom: Hello.

Me: Hey Austin will be there at 12:30-1.

Mom: Ok I'll see you soon.

Me: K see ya soon.

I hung up.

Me: Makyla!

Makyla: In the backyard. I'm coming in with Landon.

She brought Landon in the house.

Me: Will you watch him while I take a shower and get dressed then I'll take him.

Makyla: Yeah I an do that.

Me: Thanks.

I went up stairs and took a shower then I put on a pair of short shorts with a baby blue tank top. I went downstairs and took Landon for Makyla. I took Landon up stairs with me. I brought him into my bathroom with me. I turned on my stirghtner and did my make up.

Landon: Mommy pretty.

Me: I'm pretty?

Landon: Yes.

Me: Aww thank you. You look hansome today.

Landon: Thank you.

I strightned my hair and got my make up done.

Me: Come on Landon let's go see if daddy's home with Grandma, Great Grandma and Great Grandpa.

Landon: Daddy?

Me: Yeah daddy.

Landon started for the door.

Me: Hey walk mister.

I picked him up and carried him downstairs.

Makyla: You look great.

Me: So do you.

Austin: BABE!!


Austin: OK!!!

Austin, my mom, grandma and grandpa came in the kitchen.

Me: Mom hi.

I put Landon down and gave them all hugs.

At 2 every one was there. Alex brought Maddy(his new girlfriend) Robert brought Sam(his new girlfriend) Zach and Tyler car pooled. Michele and all of Austin's family came. Most of my family made it.


Landon opend every thing and then we did cake. Every one left at 6:30P.M.

Austin: I can't believe he's one already.

Me: I know it's fucking crazy.

Austin: But I have never loved anyone more than you and Landon.

Me: Aww.

We were picking up and talking. My mom and grandparents were keeping an eye on Landon. We were all picked up by about 8.

Me: Austin I'll take my mom and grandparents back to the hotel. I'm gonna take Landon so you can have some guy time before you leave tomorrw night.

Austin: Ok.

I walked over to my mom.

Me: Hey me and Landon are gonna take you guys to the hotel.

Mom: Ok sounds good.

We all went out to my car and got in. We all talked then I dropped them off.

Me: Now we can have some mommy Landon time.

I looked back and Landon was sleeping. We got home and I changed Landon's dipper and put him in some pajamas then put him in his crib. I went downstairs and talked to Makyla.

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