Putting his room together

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Me: Will you come over tomorrow and help me put stuff up in Landon's room.

Austin: Yeah I can do that I don't have any plans. Are you ready to go?

Me: Yeah. Bye everybody and thanks for every thing.

Austin dropped me off at home and I took all of my stuff upstairs I put all of my stuff in my room then put Landon's stuff to his room. I left the big stuff down stairs. I put the clothes on hangers and put his shoes in the bottom of his closet. I went to Justin's room and knocked on the door.

Justin: Who is it?

Me: It's Kaylei can you help me bring some stuff up here and into Landon's room please?

Justin: Yep.

He can out of his room and we went downstairs and he grabbed the jumper seat and I got the bouncy seat Justin went back downstairs and got the bassinet.

Me: Thanks.

Justin: Yep.

Me: Well I'm going to my room to go to bed I'm beat.

Justin: K.

I went to bed at about 3am. I woke up at 10am the next morning. I went to the bathroom then downstairs. My birthday is in three days I'll be 16. I'm not doing anything big. I'm having dinner at home with my family and I'm inviting Austin to that so he can meet the rest of my family. I went and got a bottle of water then we back up to my room.

Austin(text): Hey I'll be over in 10.

Me(text): K see you then.

Austin rang the door bell and Justin answered it because he was downstairs.

Justin: Kaylei's upstairs in Landon's room she has tools and stuff up there so be care full it's a mess.

Austin: K.

Austin came up to Landon's room.

Austin: What's first babe?

Me: I think we should put the crib up first.

Austin: K

We opened the crib and put it up in no time it was really easy.

Me: I don't know we're to put it now.

Austin: You can't put it really next to anything cuz when he can stand he'll grab stuff and pull on it. So what about right there.

He pointed to the wall across from the door.

Me: Yeah.

Austin moved the crib.

Me: The bassinet I think for now will go in my room so that when he wakes up I can just take him to my room and put him in that.

Austin: K. We can put that together in here then I'll carry it over to your room.

Me: K. I'll put the bouncy seat together it can't be that hard. You put the changing table together.

Austin: Mmm k.

I put the bouncy seat together and I was right it wasn't that hard. Austin didn't have a hard time putting the changing table together. When we were done it was 12. We had every thing together and in place. I put the sheets and stuff on Landon's crib the I put his monster blanket in.

Austin: You wanna take a walk babe?

Me: Yeah I guess so.

Austin and I left my house and started for the park.

Me: My birthday's in three days well that's not counting today.

Austin: I know.

Me: Well will you come over on my birthday for dinner?

Austin: Yeah who's gonna be there?

Me: All of my family like my grandparents aunts uncles cousins and my mom is coming down so this is a big deal for me.

Austin: Wow I haven't met your mom.

Me: I know. Oh and next month on Friday the 5th I'm going to my last sonogram and then I'm getting pregnancy pictures taken so I was wondering if you wanted to come with me you and your mom. My mom is staying until I have Landon so she's gonna come too.

Austin: I'll go but I'll have to talk to my mom and see if she can go.

Me: Ok. My doctors appointment for this month is the 8th. I think she's gonna tell me not to go to school anymore.

Austin: Probably I doubt that you should be walking that much every day.

Me: I know I'm gonna take from the 9th of this month to the 20th of March off.

Austin: Who's gonna watch Landon every day?

Me: Your mom said she can take him and it will be good because then you'll see him every day.

Austin: Well when he comes I figured I would stay at your house a few times a week.

Me: Yeah but when I go back to school you don't have to.

Austin: I'm gonna stay anyway.

Me: Whatever.

We walked all the way to the park and back to my house.

Me: You comin in Austin?

Austin: For a little bit I guess it won't kill me.

We went up to my room. We were sitting on the floor.

Me: Austin give me your hand.

Austin: Ok?

I grabbed Austin's hand and put it on my belly were Landon was kicking me.

Austin: Oh my god that's so cool but weird.

Me: I know.

Austin took his hand of my belly. Austin bent down and kissed my belly.

Me: Aww Austin.

Austin: What?

Me: That was so cute.

Just then Austin's phone started to ring.

Austin: Hello.

Michele: Hi where are you it's 6:30 dinner is done.

Austin: I'm sorry mom. Kaylei and I put stuff up in Landon's room then we went for a walk and I must have lost track of time. I'll be home in 5.

Michele: Ok.

Austin hung up.

Austin: I gotta got babe. I'm picking you up from school tomorrow right?

Me: Yeah. Love you.

Austin left and Justin came in my room.

Justin: Dinners done.

Me: K I'm coming down right now.

My Austin Mahone Love Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن