Well I didn't see that coming.

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Austin: Baby babe BABE.

Me: What?

Austin: Look at me.

Me: What?

Austin made a face. We're laying in bed waiting for Mchcele to get back with coffee for us. I'm laying on my tommey and Austin is laying on his back.

Me: What in the f are you doing?

Austin: I don't know I'm bored.

Me: Your such a weirdo.

Austin: Well that's rude.

Me: But your my weirdo.

Austin: Awwwww.

He came over and started to kiss my face all over. I started to laugh.

Me: Austin stop please.

He stoped and laid back down.

Dave: Hey Austin your mom is home.

Austin: Alright thanks man.

Dave: Yep after you get a shower and stuff wanna go shoot some hoops?

Austin: Yeah, babe you should come with us.

Me: Yeah I'll go, I just have to take a shower.

We went and got our coffee from Michcele Austin drank his then got in the shower. I finished my coffee and went into Austin's room.

Austin: Hey don't come in!!!

Me: Calm down it's just me.

Austin: Oh ok.

Me: I'm gonna go get in the shower.

Austin: K I'll prbrobaly come in to dry my hair.

Me: What eves.

I went and got in the shower. Austin came into the bathroom. I finished my shower and got out, I went to Austin's room. I put on a pair of short shorts and a tank top that says "Sweet as Sugar. Cold as Ice. Hurt me Once. I'll break you Twice." I put on a pair of flip flops and went to the bathroom.

Me: Give my the blow dryer, I need it.

Austin turned the blow dryer up all the way up.

Austin: What I can't hear you.

Me: GIVE IT!!!!

He turned it off.

Austin: Oh you want this.

Me: Yeah.

Austin: Ok.

He gave it to me and went out. I blow dryed my hair then strightned it, I did my make up and went our to Austin's room. He was trying on hats to see what one looked best with his out fit.

Me: Hows that hat fitting going there Austin?

Austin: Shut up.

He finaly picked out a hat and we went out to the kitchen.

Dave: You ready?

Me: I just gotta grab my phone, I'll be right back.

I ran to Austin's room and grabbed my phone, I went out to the kitchen and Dave's girlfriend (Brooke) was there.

Brooke: Good a girl to talk to.

Me: I was thinking the same thing.

Austin: Lets go.

We left when we got to the basketball court there was already two guys playing.

Dave: Hey can we join your game?

Guy: Yeah I'm Tristain but you can call me T and this is Cam.

Dave: I'm dave and this is Austin.

Tristain: Nice to meet you guys. I'm 22 and Cam is 17.

Dave: I'm 23 and Austin's 17.

Austin: Me and Cam will take you and Dave.

Tristain: Alright.

They started playing so me and Brooke went to a bench next to the court.

Brooke: How have you been? I haven't talked to you in a while.

Me: I'm good. Happy to be here with Austin, I always miss him so it's nice to be able to have time just me and him.

Brooke: Yeah.

My phone went off. Makyla was trying to Face Time me. I answered it.

Me: HEY!!!

Makyla: HEY!! I kidnaped your son for the day.

Me: Why?

Makyal: I missed him... no I'm just kidding me and Alex took him to the Zoo.

Me: Fun did he like it?

Makyal: Yeah, Alex carried him the whole time.

Me: Awww. Austin and Dave are playing basketball and I'm talking to Dave's girlfriend Brooke.

Makyal: Oh fun. I gotta go. Love you!!!

Me: Bye.

I ended the call then Austin came and sat next to me, he tried to hug me.

Me: No Austin stop you are so sweaty right now.

Austin: So what? I'm gonna play another game then you gotta come onto the court. K?

Me: Yeah yeah yeah.

He went and played his other game. I went onto the court like he said to I saw Dave hand him something I have no idea what it is. I was standing in the middle of the basketball court, AUstin took my hands into his. He let go of my hands and the next thing I knew he was down on one nee.

Austin: Kaylei I love you so much and I don't know where I would be without you or Landon.So will you marry me?

Me: Yes a million times over.

Right when Austin asked me the sun set was so pretty. Dave took a pictue with Austin's phone. We went down to the beach and Me and Austin stood kissing next to the Ocean and Dave took a picture. The sun set was so pretty. We went back to Austin's appartment. I got on twitter and tweeted.

Me(tweet): I had the best day ever with the best guy ever @austinmahone. I love you so much!!

That was one of the first nightsin a while that I went to bed happy.

My Austin Mahone Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now