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I'm home all by my self. It's February 20th I'm five days over due and it shows. Well anyway Austin is at his house his mom is having a family get together so he couldn't come over and I'm so pregnant that I don't really go any where. As I was saying Kayla went to New York for business my dad went with her and they took Aubrey and Parker with them. Justin is in Florida with Leah and her family. Austin comes over every day to check up on me. Oh my mom went back to New York. I got up and went downstairs. I went and got a bottle of water then sat on the couch. I turned the tv on and put it on MTV. True life was on. I drank some of my water then I had to go to the bath room really bad so I got up went to the bathroom and went back to the couch. I laid down and fell asleep. I woke up at 8:30pm to Austin knocking on the door.

Me: IT'S OPEN!!!

Austin came in the house.

Austin: Hey how are you?

Me: I'm good. Well as good as you can be when your five days over due.

Austin: I know I was just comin to check up on you but I gotta get back to my house.

Me: Mmm k bye.

Austin: Bye

Austin left and I went back to sleep. I woke up at 12 and the couch was socked.

Me: What the hell?!?! Did I piss my pants when I was sleeping?!?

I got up off the couch and I had a really sharp pain in my stomach.

Me: OMG OMG MY WATER JUST FUCKING BROKE!!! WHAT THE HELL DO I DO!! Ok ok calm down Kaylei just call Austin.

I got my phone and called Austin.

Man: Hello

Me: Umm is Austin there?

Man: Yeah give me a minuet.

Me: Can you hurry it's kinda an emergency.

Man: Ok?

Austin: Hello.

Me: Austin my water broke and I'm freaking the f out right now!!!

Austin: Ok I'll be down in a minuet I'll drive you to the hospital. Call Kayla and your dad.

Me: Ok bye

We hung up and I called Kayla.

Kayla: Hello.

Me: My water broke and Austin is gonna take me to the hospital.

Kayla: Ok keep us posted.

Me: Ok.

We hung up and Austin came in the house.

Austin: Where's your bag and where's Landon's bag?

Me: Mine is on my bed and Landon's is in his crib.

Austin: Go get in your car and I'll be there in a minuet.

Me: Ok grab his car seat too.

Austin ran upstairs and I went to the car and started it. Austin came out to the car and we started for the hospital. We got there and they put us in a room.

Nurse: Ok your ready to have this baby.

My doctor came in and I had Landon.

Landon Austin Mahone arrived on February 21st at 2:30am. I decided that because Austin was his legal dad I would give him Austin's last name. I fell asleep and woke up at 7:30am.

Austin: Good morning sleeping beauty.

Me: Good morning. Have you even slept.

Austin: No

Just then a nurse came in.

Nurse: You'll be going home tonight at 7.

Me: Ok

The nurse brought Landon in. I changed his dipper and held him. Michele came in the room.

Michele: Hey Kaylei.

Me: Hi

We all talked for a little bit. Then the nurses came in to check and make sure that Landon's car seat is safe.

Nurse: You can go home now.


I put Landon in his seat. Austin carried Landon's car seat out to my car.

Austin: Are you ready to take Landon home?

Me: Yep. I'm more than ready.

Austin: Alright.

We left and got to my house at 7:30.

My Austin Mahone Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now