Night with Austin.

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I took my shower and put on a pair of zebra print pajama pants with a tank top. I brushed my hair and went downstairs. Austin, Justin and Leah were sitting on the couch talking about something. I went and sat next to Austin.
Justin: Troy called today.
Me: Are you kidding me?
Justin: Nope he wanted to know if you could talk to him about his name being on the birth thingy.
Me: Oh hell no! It's not happening!
Justin: I'm just passing the message.
Me: I know.
Austin: Well my mom just texted me she had to go to work.
Me: At 10:30pm?
Austin: Yeah.
Me: You should stay here tonight.
Justin: Dad won't be home until tomorrow.
Me: I know he texted me.
Austin: I'll stay here I'm just gonna run home and grab some clothes.
Me: I'll come with you.
Austin: K
We started for Austin's house we were walking hand in hand. We got to Austin's and went up to his room. Austin grabbed some clothes then we went back to my house and went up to my room. I sat down at my computer desk an opened my laptop. Austin was sitting on my bed watching Teen Wolf it's Tuesday. We have no school tomorrow. I was looking at paint for the baby's room.
Me: Austin?
Austin: Yeah?
Me: What color should I paint Landon's room?
Austin: I don't know.
Me: I'm thinking red or blue but I think I'm gonna pick this blue.
Austin: K.
Me: Austin you look upset what's wrong?
Austin: Nothing I'm just constraining on my show.
Me: Ok.
I went back to looking at baby stuff. I found the blue that I wanted I ordered in and printed the receipt.
Me: Austin will you take me to Lows tomorrow so I can pick up the paint I ordered.
Austin: Yeah I guess.
Me: Thanks.
Austin's show was over at 11. By then I found the crib and crib sheet set I wanted for him. It had little baby animals on it. I had also picked out his car seat it had baby animals on it too. I went over to my bed and laid down.
Austin: Are you going to bed babe?
Me: Yeah I'm tired. Come lay down with me.
Austin: K.
Austin came and laid in bed with me. I put my head on Austin's chest and fell asleep. I woke up at 3 and had to run to my bath room because I thought I was going to puke. They call it morning sickness but it's more like 3am, when you wake up, lunch, dinner or anything you eat sickness. I brushed my teeth and went back to bed.

My Austin Mahone Love StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz